Chapter 14 🌟

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Author's Note: Hey guys!I had a pretty long flight the other day so I won't be able to write as much as I'd like to, so I wanted to squeeze this chapter in before and during my travels! This chap like the last one is gonna be pretty short (6k), but I hope you enjoy it!!

Pls make sure to comment and lmk what you think! I love interacting with you guys and reading your reactions rlly motivate me!

••Haru's POV••

Spending the night in the tundra with Sasuke, Katsuro, and Daisuke definitely wasn't how I expected this week without the girls to go. But as I've grown older and wiser, I know that expecting the unexpected is the right way to go about things!

This morning, I awoke with a slight chill running across my skin, the sensation immediately reminding me that I'm no longer at home in konoha, but instead In the notorious tundra of Urufumun.

I peered out the large windows with a blurred gaze, not one to immediately snap awake after opening my eyes in the mornings. Small specks of snow floated down the dark skies, and I sighed to myself, dropping my head back onto my pillow.

For a second it felt like I was back to being fifteen.

This was once my home when I felt like I could never step foot in Konoha again. It was also my safe haven when I felt like the universe was against me. I'd awake every day in this very same bed, it's insane to think that once I'd wake up and loneliness and tear stained pillows, and now-

Now I wake up to my nine year old son sprawled out on top of me and my eldest son practically snoring by my side.

It's the realization that Daisuke's on top of me that snaps me out of my short lived trip down memory lane.

I'm not just a victim of the tainted and dated shinobi system anymore, I'm no longer lonely. I'm a mother now with children who own my heart, a husband who I've loved my entire life, truly the happily ever after I'm not quite sure I've ever deserved.

"Mom? Why're you up so early?" Katsuro groaned, his voice spooking me out of my thoughts. My head snaps over to the fifteen year old, and a small smile tugs at my lips at the sight of him.

He's fifteen, the same age I was when I went rogue and lived out my days between the tundra and different akatsuki bases. But that odd comparison doesn't faze me much, he's still my baby no matter how old!

It doesn't help that he's blinking up at me with those precious eyes (Are they sharp? Maybe a little, but still precious!) and reddened cheeks from the cold.

"I could ask you the same thing." I chuckle, gently removing my arm that was hugging Daisuke to ruffle Katsuro's hair.

Daisuke sniffled a bit in my grasp at the action, twisting and turning for a moment before falling back in a state of deep sleep, having found the perfect position to snooze in for the next hour or so.

It was terribly cute, seeing as both Sasuke and Daisuke sometimes sleep in the same positions naturally. The resemblance between father and son in moments like this is uncanny, both of their faces clear of any worries the world has plagued them with.

And although some of our other kids look much more like Sasuke in the traditional sense, I couldn't help but think at that moment, Daisuke's never looked more like his father.

"It's too cold here, I thought this bed would be warmer but I was wrong." Katsuro huffed, hugging his blankets tighter to himself as he glared out the windows. I snort at that, shaking my head at his antics.

Sasuke was originally the one who was asleep by my side throughout the night. Daisuke joined us as well, happily nuzzled between the two of us as he slept peacefully.

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