Chapter 15 🌟

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Author's Note: This chap isn't all that long, but I would definitely consider it an important chap moving forward with the plot! Runa's POV is beginning to unravel lots, I hope you all enjoy it!

-I might have to come back later and edit! So please don't mind any grammatical mistakes for now! ♡

••Runa's POV••

I've never been a good listener.

I'll admit it. Long stories bore me! I always end up zoning out at the worst moments too! The only exception would be during class, I've always had enough academic discipline to stop my mind from drifting away during lectures, but damn am I a bad listener outside of school.

Haruki's always the one who's accused of being ditzy. But such claims do hold some truth.

She's always daydreaming, with a finger twirling around her locks of hair and pink bubblegum in her mouth as her starry eyed gaze twinkles against the sky. Her mind is like a petal during cherry blossom season, a pretty thing that's constantly drifting away to an unknown place.

With all factors considered, she's the ditzy-er twin. But that's not to say I haven't had my fair share of moments!

Normally I pride myself in my ability to focus on tasks at hand, my academics, my alert frame of mind-

But to be completely honest with myself, all of that is thrown out the window during moments like this.

Still on the dock, My classmates and I are all lined up in order under Shino sensei's command to formally be introduced to Kagura. On my right is Cho-Cho, and on my left is Shikadai. Haruki stands a few classmates away, between Mitsuki and Iwabe.

Whereas my close friends are intently listening to Shino sensei address the class, I find myself partaking in the habit I've chastised myself for ever since I was little. Not paying attention.

Blinking up at the sky, I watch carefully as a hawk gracefully soaring high above me. In all fairness, it's far more interesting than whatever monotone message Shino-sensei seems to be spreading.

The hawk seems to circle around a few times, as if it was waiting for the right moment to plunge down and catch its prey. Odd, we aren't prey! Hn, definitely more interesting than whatever Shino-sensei's going on and on about!

I didn't think something as simple as a bird would be enough to completely steal my focus away from my teacher, but to be fair, it's acting weird!

I squint however, when my keen eyes caught something wrapped around the hawk's leg.

Thanks to my grandfather's clan, my eyesight is better than most people's. According to my mother, we were all blessed with 'the eyes of ravens' meaning that we all have the innate ability to see farther and sharper images than the average person.

It's that same trait that helps me clock the letter wrapped around the hawk's leg.

Hm, what's going on? It's definitely a summoning animal, maybe it's a message for Shino-sensei?

"Thank you for coming to Kirigakure, I assure you all that you'll enjoy the stay." Kagura, the boy with pale hair and magenta eyes claims with a soft smile, somehow managing to snatch my gaze from the hawk gliding far above us.

A gust of wind flows through the pier, spurring stronger waves below us. I look around with widened eyes, silky hair flowing naturally with the sea breeze. Subtle chills dance across the exposed skin of my midriff, a consequence of my general outfit.

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