Chapter 6 🌟

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••Morning time, before school••

•Runa's POV•

I don't know where, or maybe even who I got my investigative streak from. All I know is that I've always had it, the urge to have the answers to everything, and the need to know more.

I couldn't have possibly gotten it from my mother, I think to myself. She's far too dismissive to look into things the way I do.

Maybe I got it from my dad? I don't know...

All I do know is that this investigative streak is going to get me killed one day!

That day being today.

I woke up extremely early, so early that I beat the sun in getting up from the bed. I wasn't hasty in the way I moved around although I definitely had a plan in motion.

I went through my regular morning routine. Washed hair? Check! Made my bed? Check! Got out of my pj's and put on my daily outfit? Check!

It was all going to plan, nothing was out of the ordinary. Well, nothing excluding the fact that I'm the only person in this house who's awake.

Haruki's still snoozing away in her room, clueless as to the scheme I've conjured up in my head and Katsuro was sleeping like a log in his own room, not one to wake up very easily or early at that.

My mom didn't come home last night, opting to spend the night by Daisuke's side and Isamu followed suit.

Thank god for that! There's no way I'd be able to pull this off with them here!

I abandoned my bedroom and walked out into the hallway, cursing whatever gods out there that was in charge of the small 'creak!' sounds my wooden floors would make whenever I would take a single tentative step.

Was I being paranoid? Most definitely, but I couldn't help myself!

If my mom figured out what I'm doing then-

Yeah, I'd be so grounded!

I scurried down my second-floor hallway, cursing my house alongside the creaky floor gods for being so huge. It makes sneaking around that much riskier!!

I almost felt lightheaded by the time I reached my destined location, absolutely pooped from sliding around in my fluffy socks, avoiding the deathly old wooden floors, and holding my breath all at the same time.

I let out a deep breath when I look at the small steps leading up to the attic.

Haruki and I haven't gone up to the attic ever since we went the first time. Riddled with homework and school projects, the attic and its contents ended up being a figment of the past, a forgettable topic, a useless memory.

Well, at least for Haruki it was. She didn't know about the picture of my father and that mystery woman, at least not yet.

I on the other hand? Every time I passed by the steps on the second floor leading up to those enticing doors, I felt a surge in curiosity try to lure me in.

My mom had to have been hiding something huge, and seeing all of those unexplored boxes last time I was in there made me think that I have yet to uncover what that 'huge something' really is.

I've scraped the surface, having the small picture of my father and that woman together, but maybe there's more! Maybe there's proof of something I'm not too sure of yet...

I waste zero time in gently opening the doors, paranoid out of my mind that my mom and Isamu are going to just pop out of nowhere and appear behind me with their spooky red glowing eyes-

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