Chapter 11 🌟

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Authors note: I'm SO sorry about the wait on this chap, this is 29.5k words though so I hope you enjoy!!

Also pls excuse any grammatical errors, I'm coming back and editing in the morning LMAO

Remember to Pls comment and lmk what you think! :)

Pretty boy Hiko art above 💙

••Haru's POV••

Mornings at my house without Sasuke and my two eldest boys are usually lively enough.

The girls often help each other get ready for school by waking each other up, or sneaking into each other's rooms and borrowing (not stealing, they swear) jewelry.

The sound of warm showers running could always be heard if you passed by their individual bedrooms and listened closely enough; although sometimes Haruki preferred to wake up extra early and treat herself to a vanilla scented bubble bath.

Other times, the girls could even be found doing each other's hair, causing a slight buzz in the upstairs portion of the home at the sound of their giggles and laughs.

The sound of their joint laughter never fails to put a smile on my face. Knowing that they get along so well and fit together like two carefully crafted glass puzzle pieces elicits a warmth in my heart that's indescribable.

All those years ago when Sasuke and I were younger and I was pining for a daughter of my own, I never expected to have been gifted two baby girls instead. Both are so perfect in their own ways, so different yet so similar in all of the best ways. They're the loves of my life and I couldn't have asked for anything better!

A happy family is all I ever wanted, and although Daisuke was a surprise, quite a big surprise at that, he was the missing angel I never knew I needed. I thought my heart was full of my four kids, but the second I laid eyes on my fifth and final baby I knew that he was meant to be my son, a child that I would love eternally.

He's perfect, an angel sent from above is what I call him. So many people referred to his birth and my temporary comatose state as a disaster, and although I agree that being in a coma for two years is a lot, it was a small price to pay for the literal angel on earth I have in the form of my youngest baby.

Mornings with my angel, Daisuke are nothing less than sweet.

I'm normally downstairs while Haruki and Runa are messing around, cooking the myriad of meals suited to everyone's tastes so that the girls and Dai would go to school with full, happy stomachs.

Daisuke never really wakes up on his own, like a hibernating cub in the middle of a winter storm every time he manages to shut his pretty eyes and get some rest. So on normal mornings, I tend to slowly coax him awake with gentle touches and the promise of a good breakfast, hoping to make his mornings as peaceful as possible.

The routine is calm and comfortable, and it's worked for around seven years ever since Sasuke and the older boys left.

However, this morning has gone completely differently.

Calm and comfortable isn't the way to put it, this morning has been absolutely insane.

And it's all thanks to the boys. The older ones at least, including Sasuke. Actually, especially because of Sasuke.

Not only did I have to console a crying Runa the second I woke up from a deeply rooted insecurity of hers I never even knew existed—

An insecurity she should've never had in the first place at that!

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