Chapter 8 Pt.1 🌟

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Pretty girl Runa Art ^

Authors Note: Happy Valentines day! So, I basically cut the huge chapter I had written in half because it was getting incredibly long and I wanted to upload today! So pls enjoy this 6.3k chapter worth of words lmao. Also, I'm going to be uploading part 2 soon, so dw about that as well!

I hope you enjoy

••Runa's POV••

Has time always gone by so slowly?

I don't know how many minutes I've spent sitting around ever since my mom sent out those wolves to look for Masahiko.

Maybe it was a few minutes, maybe even an hour. All I know is that the longer we waited around for any news of my white haired brother, my mom's nerves got worse and worse.

I felt helpless as I watched her pace around as a way to distract herself. She'd walk to my dad every once in a while, and he'd lend her small words to try and calm her down. His efforts however, were to no avail.

Naruto, the seventh hokage and one of her closest friends would try his hand at calming her down since he literally looked pained earlier to see her in such a worried state. Again, the attempts were fruitless!

Since the two of them couldn't really do much to fix the state she was in, the pacing continued. Amidst it all she'd walk over to Runa, Chocho and I.

They'd be wordless interactions, she wouldn't speak as she sat beside the three of us and hauled us into her arms despite my small complaints and Cho-Cho cheerily hugging her back.

Haruki? Well she'd just silently hug her back in hopes of not making mom even more upset than she already was.

Of course, there was no way she'd leave Katsuro out of her arms either! Which explains why 90% of the time she wasn't holding us she was hugging him tightly-

I sighed as I watched her walk over to my dad for what seemed like the hundredth time, god she's so freaked out!

And she's normally the calm one in any given situation!

I can't blame her though, this entire situation is crazy!

The enemy my mom defeated earlier was terrifying, and if he had anything to do with Masahiko's disappearance then shit I might as well start pacing back and forth to calm myself down too!

Just the thought of that Shin guy attacking me whilst I was alone was nightmare fuel, Both the older and younger Shin were just so creepy...

Therefore, I understood where my mom was coming from. But I must say, her paranoia has spiked to an almost unbearable degree!

She was convinced that although she defeated him, he'd somehow find a way to set out his goal even after death, maybe in the form of other members from whatever team he composed.

I asked her just what experience she had with situations like this because she seemed unusually knowledgeable in this department.

From what I knew, my mom wasn't really too much of an active ninja in her time. But with what I saw from her earlier, I'm starting to truly question If I really knew my mom as much as I thought I did!

Like yeah, she was apart of team seven and fought in the shinobi world war but nobody ever really told me much else about her other than the fact that she was supposedly "very strong"

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