Chapter 16 🌟

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Warnings: Suggestive content at the beginning of Haru's POV, Mini timeskips, Haruki's POV has a vague ending, Runa and Boruto being dummies, Angst with many questions left unanswered.

••Runa's POV••

There's a curt silence after Haruki and Kagura fade far into the distance, their interlocked hands and blushing cheeks no longer visible due to how far they've dispatched from us.

I'm the one who breaks the silence, tilting my head in utter bewilderment.

"So...Is Hiko just gonna lead the group now?" A question mark floats above my head as I speak, eyes darting around between my classmates during the aftermath of Haruki's charm completely robbing our assigned tour guide.

We're all effectively stumped, some of the girls are seething in jealousy of my twin sister whereas some of the boys weep in dismay, the more neutral of the bunch merely looking around in pure confusion.

Shikadai sighs, bringing a hand up to his temples and rubbing at them as if to relieve some sort of headache he's brought on. "We should've seen this coming," He groans, to which Boruto crosses his arms rather haughtily.

"We haven't even known Kagura for more than five minutes? How is she so comfortable-"

"Oh please Boruto, did you see that guy's face? Any girl would be lucky to grab his attention the way Ruki did, he's so different from the guys back home." Cho-Cho comments as she fishes for chips at the bottom of the bag, unknowingly causing Boruto's eyes to light up in a brewing fit of jealousy.

"Different from the guys back home?! What does that even mean?!" He's exasperated at this point, eyeing all of the fawning girls with a deadpan expression as he has very little understanding of just what the hell is going on.

All he knows is that this tour guide, a nice guy, he admits, managed to sweep Haruki off of her feet in mere seconds!! And the rest of the girls here, but that doesn't really matter to him much at all.

Cho-Cho shakes her head at Boruto, as if he were clearly missing a very obvious point.

"Runa's big brothers have the same energy. And her cousin too! They're all so tall and mature! And they're so hot-!"

"Gross!" I squeak out, my head snaps around to meet Cho-Cho's at an alarming speed, my hair whipping around and nearly smacking my face as a result.

"Sorry girl, but it's true." Cho-Cho shrugs as if she were pitying me as she continues to munch on her chips. I turn to my female classmates, hoping that they'd be disagreeing and denying Cho-Cho's claims. But to my complete and utter horror, the girls are all either nodding in agreement or sheepishly averting my gaze!

Hell, even our class president Sumire can't look me in the eye!!

Oh god...ew...

Boruto doesn't get any of it at all, his blue eyes shifting between us girls in a deadpan expression.

Masahiko's clearly had enough, his sharp red eyes gleaming with annoyance at everyone's chit chat as he stands at the front of the group. He uncrosses his arms from his chest, instead shifting his weight to one leg as his hand rests on the hilt of his sword, painted nails thrumming impatiently against the material.

"All of you shut up." He says, not raising his voice at all. He doesn't have to, because the second his words spill out into the air our ears ring with authority and all of our lips immediately sew themselves shut.

Like baby ducklings following after their parents, the rest of my classmates and I follow Masahiko's every word with an instilled level of respect and fear. We all straighten up immediately and nod, even I as his younger sister feel my bones clatter a bit at the domineering tone of his voice.

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