Chapter 23 🌟

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••3rd Person POV••

The atmosphere hung heavy with an ominous mist, shrouding the landscape in a dense cloak of swirling grey fog. Visibility was reduced to mere shadows, the tendrils of mist reaching out like ghostly fingers to obscure the figures in it's grasp.

Within the thick fog, the world seemed to blur and distort, creating an eerie sense of disorientation and unease.

This was the Hidden Mist Village at its core state.

Boruto's eyes narrowed at the change in atmosphere, noting that it must've been the jutsu that Shizuma Hoshigaki had just performed that caused this.

Shizuma, a taller shinobi with pointed teeth, shoulder-length wavy black hair that had messily fallen all over the right side of his face, and creepily light blue eyes. The guy looked oddly shark-like, somehow.

Shizuma was no more than a weirdo when Boruto had first encountered him. He was just a little bit older than Boruto, who he assumed to be around the same age as Katsuro Uchiha.

That thought had quickly evolved when the missing nin stood across from alongside his six underlings, all equipped with massive and unique swords. Swords that once belonged to the fallen Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist.

A battle had ensued, groups had been separated. The Mizukage had been cornered off to fight multiple members of the rebel group at once, whereas Boruto had been left to fend for himself against Shizuma. And much to his disbelief, Kagura. The same Kagura that all had the girls in his class had been fawning over just a day prior.

Briefly, the blondes though flitted over to Haruki and he thanked every star in the sky that she had gone home early and hadn't witnessed the betrayal of the boy she had fallen for. Kagura, though there was some deep hesitance, had been out for blood. With a heart as big as hers, Boruto didn't know if she could handle the sight!

They had been fighting for what felt like hours, but Boruto knew it could only amount to minutes. Battling in this mist made almost gave the sensation of warped time. Damn the mist village, damn it all!

As Boruto stood still in deep thought and in severe alert, his sharp senses felt Kagura running over to him. Boruto's reflexes saved him, quickly lunging out of the way just in time for Kagura's giant sword to hit the ground and create a small crater right where he once was! Boruto huffed out in disbelief plaguing his features, how could Kagura turn to this?! 

He knew the boy must've been manipulated, he just had to find a way to snap him out of it.

"What we saw growing up, is completely different." The blonde with pink eyes glared, once again running up to Boruto and swiftly swinging his unique sword at an attempt of landing a hit.

Boruto jumped back, narrowly avoiding Kagura's blade as it sliced through the misty air with deadly precision. The weight of Kagura's words hung heavy in the dense fog, stirring a sense of anger within Boruto's heart.

"What happened to you, Kagura?" Boruto shouted, lost amidst the heavy fog, his voice tinged with desperation. "You're really going to let Shizuma dictate your life like this!?"

Kagura's eyes remained cold and unyielding, his resolve unshaken by Boruto's words. With a fierce cry, he launched himself forward once more, his blade arcing through the mist with deadly intent.

Boruto's heart pounded in his chest as he dodged another strike from Kagura's sword, the sound of metal slicing through the mist echoing in his ears. The weight of his new friend's betrayal bore down on him like a blanket of heavy rain, each clash of their blades serving as a painful reminder of the bond they had just begun to share.

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