Chapter 17 🌟

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Possible warnings for this chap: Mentions of Grandma Luna's death, sudden weight loss, Jealous Boruto, Flashback to Legacy of a Senju, Important Masahiko backstory, Haruki's villain origin story- LMAO just kidding!!

Or am I?

••Runa's POV••

There's a breeze in the air that drifts in from the sea, a common occurrence in coastal towns like this. The winds aid in the swaying of my hair, dark long locks flowing behind me like a sheet of black silk. The sun's bright, shimmering off of my hair that looks as lustrous as onyx stone.

Still, even with the wind cooling my skin, beads of sweat form at my temples.

My chest heaves up and down, deep breaths flowing in and out of my lungs as I bring my wrists up to my face in a crossed formation; blocking yet another attack from Masahiko. I don't miss a single step, swinging up my leg in an attempt to hit the side of his head.

Obviously he evades my leg with unmatched speed.

We've been at this for what seems like hours, dancing around one another in this taijutsu battle. In reality, it's only been a few minutes since I accompanied Masahiko into this private training arena. He didn't announce his first attack, taking me by surprise just like he did in our first training session back home.

This time however, all bets were off. Since no rules were announced, I assumed there were no rules at all! Therefore I wasted no time in activating my sharingan, feeling the rush of power flow to my head as everything became clearer, sharper, easier.

It's not to say that easier meant closer to victory, because it didn't.

I don't know how long it'll take me to surpass him, but Masahiko and I are light years apart in strength. We have the same kekkei genkai, but different chakra natures and drastically different levels of skill!

I don't mind though, not when I find myself quickly matching up to his speed. No matter how easy he might be going at me right now, he's ridiculously faster than any shinobi in my age category today. Which means that I'm currently faster than any other shinobi my age.

He's landed hits on me, it's impossible for me to evade all of them with my current agility. But with every blow I've taken, the more my urge to win has grown. It's an intoxicating, almost exhilarating feeling.

My spine twists and turns backwards as I swiftly dodge his gloved fist, flipping away from him and instinctively ducking to the ground; successfully missing a round of Kunai he's flung my way.

Yes! I've started to read his attacks accurately!!

He smirks at the subtle hints of my development. 'She's quick, similar to me' He thinks to himself, effortlessly avoiding the barrage of shuriken I flung his way as a tactic to win some time of my own.

When this fight first started, It was difficult for me to read his movements. Even with the sharingan, there's only so much I could do against someone like Hiko!

But with trial and error, I've started to get the hang of this quick paced fight; not letting nerves or questions cloud my mind.

Masahiko watched me rather proudly, though he'd rather drop dead than admit it out loud.

He saw me as an untouched vault of potential, a hidden treasure chest beneath layers and layers of rock and debris, the lucrative pot of gold people whisper about at the end of any rainbow- And he's right.

In his opinion, I'm faster than Haruki. Naturally that is. He noticed within seconds of this fight commencing. Although Haruki is currently far more agile than I am, she could only credit this to the years of training she's had in comparison to me.

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