Hey, sis? (Penny AND George)

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We stepped out of the car and I looked up to see my house. I haven't seen it in such a long time

I must have spaced out since Player put their hand on my shoulder and asked if I was okay.

Am I? I am, I'm just a bit worried about this. I haven't seen Penny in about a year, I hope she's okay and that this all works out.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just a bit worried..."

"Don't worry George, we already took down a ton of infected, we can do this. Penny will be alright!"

I nodded and we both walked to the front door, Player pushed it open and we looked inside. The light was no longer on, the house smelled awful, and things were thrown all over the floor, but Penny was nowhere in sight.

Player walked in and I went in after them, gripping my bat tighter, just in case. Player pulled out a flashlight and lit up the place. We looked around the first floor and then the second and third but she was nowhere which worried me. Then I remembered the basement so we went down and as Player looked around suddenly they were hit with a bat. I looked up at who it was and it was Penny, her dress was torn and the color had faded, and she looked ill, her face extremely dirty. She walked toward me and tried to attack me, but in this time I've fought a lot of infected so I was able to hit her with my bat first. She backed away but I knew to be able to cure her I had to knock her out so that's what I did. I hit her with the bat a second time and she fell to the ground.

"Where the heck did she come from...?" Player said as I helped them up.

"Haha I don't know, but hey now we can go cure her right?"

"Yeah, we can '' Player said as they handcuffed her so that she couldn't move, then they lifted her up and carried her back to the car. I got in the car after them and Player started driving. Before all of this I never would have thought I would have to beat up my sister...I hope she'll be okay. I've really missed her and now I finally get to see her again..

A few minutes later we arrived at the hospital and Player carried Penny to a room and tied her up.

"She'll be okay George, I promise. All that's left now is to give her the cure."

By the end of the week she had been given the cure, and all that was left to do was wait...

I was now allowed to go into the room, but I had to bring my bat with me in case something happened. Hopefully nothing will, because I don't want to have to fight her again.

Another week had passed and I had only left her room to go eat. Mimi had come in to cure her wounds every once in a while, but I still didn't leave. I didn't want to leave her alone.

After I came back from lunch one day I heard a whispering voice


I ran to look at Penny and saw her eyes were slightly open and so was her mouth. Her mouth moved as I heard her whisper again


"O-okay! I'll bring you something quickly"

On my way out I bumped into someone

"Huh? Who are you?" The girl helped me up, but she didn't talk.

"You're Sheepy! Penny's friend! Penny's gonna be so happy to see you"

She pulled out a sheet of paper that said: Do you know where I can find my friend Penny?

"Oh she's in that room, but can you not talk?" Then she pulled out another sheet of paper that said: I'd rather not talk. It's hard to talk.

"Alright then. She just woke up, and I'm gonna go get some food for her. You can wait in the room with her if you want." She smiled and nodded as she headed into the room.

I wonder if she hurt her throat or something

I got to the cafeteria and Dessa served me some of the food that Kitty had made earlier.

"Hey George, didn't you just eat?"

"Yeah, but this is for my sister, she just woke up and wants some food"

"Oh, I'm so happy for you! Let me help you"

When I got back to the room I saw Sheepy holding Penny's hand while Penny slept.

"Uh- I got the food..."

Sheepy jumped and quickly pulled her hand away.

"Haha don't worry Sheepy I don't judge, I'm joking, I'm joking. I headed over to Penny and shook her awake.

"C'mon sis, wake up. I got your food"

"huhh, what. who are you?"

"Penny, it's me. George"

"I- I don't remember you..."

Sheepy stepped back and looked at me with concern.

"You really don't remember us?" She then looked at Sheepy

"No, I don't remember her either...I-I'm sorry." Sheepy looked away and left.

I began to cry but I still headed towards her and hugged her.

"I wish you could remember us, but don't worry, it's fine" She awkwardly patted my back.

"Haha, I'm sorry, here's your food, and there's some water on the other side of your bed."

"Thanks...look I'm really sorry, but you said your name was- George, right?"


"And who was that girl?"

"Sheepy...she's your best friend..."

"Oh..." She looked hurt as she took the food and began to eat. I decided to leave the room so that I wouldn't make her even more uncomfortable, and to find Player and Sheepy.

I found Player in Doggy's room.

"Player, Penny doesn't remember us"


"Me and Sheepy" Player kneeled down and hugged me as I cried. I really couldn't believe it. Penny had really forgotten me. Her own brother. It isn't her fault. I know it isn't but it still hurts. This is worse than a nightmare.

"Breathe, George, Breathe. It'll be alright. Remember what we've been through, you can get through this. Help her remember, and even if she never does then just help her make new memories"

"New memories...?"

"Yeah, but first try helping her remember, a lot of types of amnesia go away over time"


"Yes, but you have to help her and be patient with her"

She can really be cured?

"Alright! Imma go get Sheepy so that we can help her!!" I ran out of the room to go find Sheepy.

If she can be cured then I'll do whatever it takes!

While doing a spellcheck on this story there were barely any mistakes so I'm really proud of that, now the reason I've been tagging the person who requested this on the bottom is because I don't like writing on the top of the story. I decided to not make this as sad as the Torcher x Soldier one because I didn't know how to make it as sad and I didn't want to make George watch his sister get murdered...oh wait

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