When we were kids

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Look. Okay I know I said I wouldn't do player x character but...I mean...they're kids!
Requested by: Deleted_Day
Characters are 8 years old here. Kid player x Kid doggy

Player's POV

Ever since my parents got divorced everything has been really hard for me, especially making friends...everyone calls me the emo kid...and because of that not many people talk to me unless it's for a group project or if they need something

The teachers voice made me wake from my thoughts. When I looked up I saw the teacher next to a guy my age with dark brown hair and yellow eyes. He looked really cool! When I looked around I saw that everyone else clearly liked him too. But this means that they probably won't want me hanging out around him...but I should at least try! 

Later on in the day during recess
(Still Players POV)

My plan is really simple: 
#1-Hide in the bushes so that I can spot him
#2-Go up and talk to him
See? It's easy!

I was hiding in the bushes that were at the end of the playground, because there I could see the whole playground.
After a little bit of looking around I was getting bored.

 "Where is he!?" 

"Where is who?"

"Aaaaa!" I yelled as I turned to see a guy behind me...It- IT WAS THE GUY

"Ha, didn't mean to scare you!" "Do you need help?" He said as he extended his hand. I took it and he helped me get back up.

"My name's Danny! But you can call me Doggy!"

"Oh. Hi Doggy! You're the new guy!"

"Yeah. Wait, what were you doing in the bushes?"

"Oh...I-I just don't like to hang out with the others that much" Yeah, such a good lie. GOod job me.

"Wait why were you behind me?!" I asked him really confused

"Well..you seemed nice so I was wondering if you wanted to be friends...plus I was curious on why you were hiding in the bushes"

He wanted to be my friend too?! Yay! 

"I want to be your friend too! Wanna play something?"

"YES!!! Do you want to play cops and robbers? It's my favorite game!"

"Sure! But why is it your favorite game? There are a lot of other games"

"Oh well I wanna be a police officer when I grow up"

"Really? That's so cool. Hey we can be partners! I wanna be a detective; they look really cool! Plus I heard that detectives and cops work together all the time"

"Yeah that sounds great. I know we just met but I honestly think you and I are gonna be the best partners!"

End----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Okay...I know that was extremely short but I didn't know what else to write...I'm sorry...I wish I could have made it longer and better T^T Sorry if I dissapointed you

I feel like one of the main reason this story sucks is because I was trying really hard to make it seem like this was a kids point of view but I'm not a kid so it was hard...

But in case you didn't get it, it basically just ends with the foreshadowing of them growing up to be partners (Doggy did become a cop, and Player did become a detective, and they did become the best partners. They're pretty hard to beat)

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