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Oc's go brrr

Nah I'm not gonna provide story, just read and do what you make of it. :P


I quickly looked back hoping an infected hadn't found us, luckily it was just Beth.

"Beth, be quiet! We don't wanna attract any infected" 

"Yeah, I'm sorry" 

He continued to walk so I continued after him, why does he always act so mad? When I saw him in school he seemed really shy. It's like they say to never judge a book by its cover

As we kept walking I began to hear a noise and Beth seemed to hear it too so we went to find out where it was coming from, soon a large wall came into view. 

Trash suddenly stopped which caused me to bump into his back. I heard him sigh as he turned and helped me up, once I got back up he pointed behind some trees. There was a large white wall there.

"We should head to see what that is" He whispered which by now I know means 'gotta be quiet since there might be people nearby'

Once we got to the wall we followed it to see where it ended, after following it for a bit we saw a gate. We could hear voices coming from inside so I carefully peeked in and saw some people in there talking.


"Beth, I told you to be quiet"

"...That wasn't me"

The last thing I felt was something hitting my head as I fell and everything going dark afterwards.



"-ke up! Wake up, Trash!" 

"You're awake!" Once my vision cleared I realized it was Beth, my head was still throbbing though.

"Beth? What happened where are we?" I sat up and saw that we were in a small room, and sitting on the bed there was a guy. The guy had a bandage over one of his eyes, which gave him a creepy look.
I'm not the type to get scared easily but I began to feel my heart beat faster, who knew what this guy could to do to us, especially since we didn't have any of our weapons our supplies with us.

"Who are you?" 

"Hm? I'm Hade, your friend told me your name is Trash, is that true?" For someone who has two people tied up in what's most likely his room he seems really calm.

"Uh yeah, why are we here?"

"I saw you snooping around so I had to do something"

"Well can't you let us go" 

"No. We don't know if you're infected or not, plus I gotta wait for Kassie since she's in charge now" 

Silence filled the room and Beth just kept giving me worried looks. Luckily after a few minutes the door opened and a girl came in. Surprisingly unlike 'Hade' she didn't have any armor, or shoes for that matter. 

"Sorry I took so long to get back" She said as she glanced around the room and stopped when she saw us.

She looked back up at Hade. "Did you check them?"

"Yup, they only had a few crappy weapons. With weapons that bad I'm surprised they made it this far"

She bent down and looked at us for a bit which I could tell made Beth worried.

"Hi you two, my name's Kassie. Mind telling me who you are?"

Beth quickly glanced at me before answering. "Well my name's Bethany, but everyone calls me Beth"

"I'm Trash"

"What? Is that really your name"

"Uh- yeah"

"Well what a weird choice of name. Anyways sorry if you got weirded out by this whole thing that happened, but it's just to make sure no dangerous people or infected get in. Oh and sorry if Hade scared you, he's just naturally scary looking."

"Do I really look that bad?" Hade asked as Kassie untied us.

"Anyways if you two want to you can stay here, we're low on space so you'd have to sleep outside, and of course you'd have to contribute to the place"

"Um, can I talk to Beth in private real quick?"

"Sure" She grabbed Hade by the arm and the two left the room. Unlike him she seemed really friendly and happy, but she didn't seem like she would be the leader of Not to mention how short she is compared to the rest of us. Why does she trust us anyways? Not that we're bad but she quickly let us stay which is weird.

"I think we should stay" Beth said.

"Why? We don't know these people"

"And? They're offering us a place where we'll probably be safer. We've been outside near danger for a long time now and we're low on supplies. I know you probably don't want to, but staying here is our best choice."

"Ugh, let's go"

"What are you gonna-" Trash angry looked at me and just walked out the room so I had no choice but to follow. When we got outside he walked up to Kassie and told her something, she ran off and brought back our bags and two blankets and smiled as she handed them to him. He said something back to her and then she left with Hade. 

Trash came back and handed me my bag and one of the blankets.

"We're staying" He didn't sound happy, but he didn't sound mad either so I just accepted it and didn't ask anything, knowing that if I did he would just get upset. We found an available space near the back of the wall where we set up a tent we found in a mall a month back. 

It was silent the whole time but I didn't mind since we no longer had to stay outside and in danger. I also didn't mind because unlike with other people whenever your with Trash and it's quiet it's actually a good thing.
I don't know why he save me from an infected that day, I just know he did. In the time I've spent with him I've actually learned a lot about him, one of those things being that when he's silent he's usually happy, and just knowing he's happy makes me feel happy too.

Later in the night we finally headed off to sleep, laying next to my crush is always weird but I was beginning to get used to it by now.

Minutes passed but I couldn't fall asleep.

"Trash, you awake?"  I heard Beth whisper. I was almost asleep but I decided to answer anyways.



He stayed quiet once I said that, had he understood what I meant?

"Whatever" He did.

"Haha, goodnight to you too"

After that I was finally able to rest

Okay I actually liked this, frick. Nah I'm joking, I think it turned out pretty well. I'm gonna work on requests, which I finally got ^-^ but since I had no ideas or motivation I decided to try to take it easy and do something with my oc's. Kassie has returned!

Bonjour! Tout le monde comment allez-vous?

Kassie stop breaking the fourth wall


ANYWAYS uh- I think that's it actually, thanks for reading, also sorry for posting random trash lately, and no I'm not gonna do lemons any time soon!(I hope)


P.S- Oh yeah, and sorry for constantly changing from persons point of view throughout this story

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