A/n Behind The Scenes

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So this is just a list of fun facts about certain stories, ideas, thing's I've done in the stories, etc.

#1- In the Robby and Mousy story I considered making it end with {Discarded due to cringe}, but discarded the idea because it didn't fit with the story and not everyone ships them.
#2- The kid doggy x kid player is the story I hate the most and have considered remaking multiple times.
#3- In the Foxy x Penny story it is actually hinted that Doggy likes Foxy, due to the fact that I ship them.
#4- While writing Every man for himself I forgot where I wanted the story to go so I just made it up along the way.
#5- In every man for himself we learn that Kassie speaks french(very end)
#6-(I forgot to add this one soner) I realized that in Kassie's a simp I accidentally predicted Piggy: Intercity, because of Rash's room, the gates and that you have to go through the forest to get to the refinery.
#7- The original ending to torcher x soldier angst actually ended with both of them getting infected.
#8- The original beginning to torcher x soldier angst started with torcher being the first one to get infected but I realized that didn't make sense.
#9- I didn't have much of a plan for the Penny and George story so it was all made up on the way.
#10- In the Penny and George story it is hinted that Sheepy likes Penny and they may have dated prior to the infection.
#11- In my discarded stories there is a story with the au in 'Penny and George'
#12- When I was told "Could you do female torcher x soldier or pony?" I immediately chose Pony because I thought it would be extremely interesting, and it was.
#13- Female torcher x pony is one of my favorite stories in this book. One of the main reasons is actually Zylan.
#14- In female torcher x soldier I wrote "lifted her and knocked her out" by that I actually meant he lifted her and immediately punched her.
#15- In the whole Robby and Mousy, Mousy has PTSD.
#16- Robby actually learned to hum because of Kitty, since she usually hums when she cooks.
#17- Mousy's been living in a two story house this whole time, luckily her room's always been on the first floor. The reason for that is because when she was a kid she knew Robby charged in the basement and wanted to be the one to 'wake him up'.
#18- In Till we're 18 Dessa hasn't fully transitioned yet.
#19- While writing till we're 18 I was actually imagining Tigry siting on Dessa's lap but didn't want to write it in, in case people said something about it{It might've seemed wrong and stuff}
#20- I didn't ship Tigry x Dessa until I wrote till we're 18.
#21- Originally Dessa wasn't even going to be in the story, it was originally gonna be Rash, but I somehow thought of Dessa.
#22- Tigry x Dessa is now my comfort ship. I one day wish to be the ruler of it.
#23- {No.}
#24- I actually wanted to make a Bunny x Reader story for a while now but had no ideas.
#25- McLy2019 's comment in Chapter 6 made me be like "Okay so if I make a Bunny x Reader at least they'll like it, right?" Which is another reason I made the Bunny x Reader story.
#26- In the Bunny x Player story Player has PTSD for obvious reasons.
#27- When Player yells Zizzy it is a reference to the mall and Zizzy getting infected, also kind of a reference to hello lyana kitty's ticking meme on youtube.
#28- A lot of these stories were actually written in a day.
#29- The main reason some one-shots take longer is because lack of ideas and school.
#30- Sometimes I post stories earlier than planned out of excitement (this being one of them)
#31- I often forget what I'm doing which sometimes makes it hard to write.
#32- Originally Player couldn't be requested but after someone still requested it even though I said you couldn't I had a change of heart and changed it so that Player could be requested.
#33- I often re-read my stories
#34- I spell check most of my stories
#35- Me writing my name at the end is how I 'sign' my stories, just like I sign my art.
#36- I have a piggy art book
#37- I am also an artist and have an instagram, {redacted}
#38- The second I read one of your comments I feel good about myself.
#39- I love you all💙💙💙

#40- If you have any questions feel free to ask!


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