Hopefully the last part of Robby and Mousy's day out

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How is this still not over yet

Mousy's pov

I woke up and the first thing I noticed was that I was no longer in the living room, instead I was in my room. The second most obvious thing I noticed was an odd smell filling the air. I crawled to the edge of my bed to where my wheelchair was and got on it.

When I got out of my room the smell got even stronger, I looked around until I noticed that there was a small humming sound coming from the kitchen. The second I got into the kitchen my eyes widened in surprise as I saw Robby wearing an apron and cooking who knows what. The table was covered in plates and bowls of food. The humming stopped once Robby noticed me.

"Good morning" He said as he smiled and returned to what he was doing.

"M-morning... uh Robby, what are you doing?"

"Oh well last night I remembered how you and Mrs. Miley used to cook all the time, and I realized that I had memorized all the recipes so I decided to try to cook. Unfortunately I was programmed to be a bodyguard, not a cook, so I've been having a hard time. But here! I was able to make these cookies from scratch"

He handed me a plate of cookies that looked a bit over baked, but they didn't seem poisonous so I took one and tried it. It was a sugar cookie, which is my favorite cookie, but even though it was my favorite it didn't stop it from tasting...off. I don't know how else to explain it other than being off.

"I really can't tell what's wrong with it, but there's clearly something wrong"

"Oh well you can always just have cereal for breakfast"

"As if. C'mon I'll help you make something"

We spent at least two hours making food, half of it turned out bad, but we managed to save the other half. I wish we could say the same thing for our clothes, because although we were wearing aprons our clothes still managed to get dirty. It was now covered in water, vegetable oil, flour, sugar, salt and who knows what else. By the time we finished I was starving but I didn't want to eat with my clothes this dirty so I went to change, when I exited my room I saw Robby staring at the food, that's when I realized that was all the clothes he had.

"Uh- If you want you can borrow some of my dad's old clothes until we can buy you some new ones"

He seemed hesitant but he still went upstairs to my parents' room. When he came back down he was wearing some clothes that I had never seen before.

"Hey, where'd that come from?"

"It was in a box in the back of their closet. It had my name written on it, and it's exactly my size. I'm guessing your father left it there in case anything happened with my old clothes."

It was nice to know that my dad also cared about Robby, but anyways...I cut a piece of the cake we had made and to my surprise even though Robby had done most of it, it still tasted good.

"I wish you could try it"

He let out a small smile as he sat in a chair next to my wheelchair, but it quickly faded.

"Mousy, how come you're okay with me being with you?"

I almost dropped my fork when I realized what he meant with that.

"Aren't you afraid? Or mad?"

"Robby...you've always been my friend and always will be. Plus...you're all I have left...I lost my parents....and some of my friends, but you've always been with me. It hurts...but it would hurt even more to make you leave..."

Week's Later

For the first time in a while I was finally able to smile. I was heading to the mall to see Robby. When I got there I headed to Kitty's Kitchen to pick up the order I had placed earlier. I picked it up and headed to the back of the mall where I found Robby talking to Poley, when he noticed me he waved at Poley and headed towards me.

"Hi Mousy, come here" He said as he led me to the back closet and pulled out a large box.

"It took a long time to figure it out but I was able to make them anyway. I know it'll never make up for what I did but I still hope you like it" He pushed it towards me, since he wasn't able to lift it I'm guessing it must be heavy. When I opened it I was extremely surprised.

"What....how did you..." I pulled out the shiny metal legs, they actually weren't heavy at all like I thought they were. In fact they were fairly light. He lifted me onto a table and helped me put them on

"They're easy to put on, all you have to do is lift them up and tighten the straps around your thighs. Oh and make sure they're well put." Once he finished adjusting them he helped me get up. It was strange, and I was having a lot of trouble with walking, but after a while I was sort of able to walk. I still needed a bit of help from Robby though.

When we left the closet Poley walked from his place towards us.

"Wow, the legs turned out great! They look good on you Mousy!"

"Thanks" Me and Robby said in sync.

"Here, I uh- got these for you. Sorry I couldn't think of anything else, but I wanted to give you something for your new legs" Poley said as he handed me a small gift bag. I opened it and saw some cute decorated socks.

"Thanks Poley!"

"Oh yeah and Player wanted me to give you this too!" Poley said as he pulled out some hair ribbons.

"AND they also wanted me to give this to you Robby" He said as he handed Robby a box. Robby looked very surprised.

"Really? T-tell them I said thanks"

"Sure, see you guys later!" Poley said as he walked back to his place.

"My food is probably getting cold now, let's go home"

"Alright" Robby said as he helped me walk back to the closet and he picked up my wheelchair. He grabbed my wheelchair with his left hand and helped me stand well with his right one.

Lately I had kept inviting Robby over so that I wouldn't have to be alone anymore, and I've also started going to therapy and honestly it's been really helpful. At first I dreaded going but now it wasn't that bad especially since now I was able to see Robby with much less fear. Although the infection took my mom from me...I was able to get closer to Robby, and I've met other people like me...

Hopefully things will only get better from here...

Aye, it's finally over :D

If you have any questions about this feel free to ask. 

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