Torcher x Soldier angst

878 18 4

Blood, burn, did this happen again? Blood

What is going on?

What happened?

Where am I?

Is he okay?

Glowing eyes



Suddenly I saw a bright light that woke me from my torment. I opened my eyes only for them to instantly close due to the flashing light in front of my face.

"Oh, sorry Soldier. Just making sure you aren't infected" A voice said in a whisper

"Huh? Where-" My mouth was almost immediately covered by a hand, I looked up and was able to see it was Becca. Behind her stood Torcher.

"You need to whisper or else we might be found" I nodded to let her know I would, I could tell she was unsure but she uncovered my mouth anyways.

"What happened? Why are we here?" I whispered this time.

"Do you really not remember?" I shook my head, no.

"Mike went insane and started attacking everyone, and once he did they also became aggressive and had glowing eyes. " Torcher said.

Those are the glowing eyes I saw in my dream...but was it really a dream if Torcher said it actually happened?

"Yeah, like he said. You and I tried to stop him but we couldn't...he had inhuman strength..." Becca said with a sour expression.

"When I got there there were already a few 'infected' and Becca was carrying you" Torcher added.


"You got knocked out" Becca explained.

So it really was that bad...

"Well we need to get out of here"


"Torcher, no need for the sass! Now we only have each other. Even if there are other survivors, we have no way of knowing for sure"

"Sorry, you're right. I just- can't help but worry"

Now it must be REALLY bad if Torcher is worrying.

"We're completely surrounded, and low on resources. Sadly the chances of us making it out alive are...low"

"If we stay here we starve, if we go out there we get infected." I accidentally thought out loud...


"Well what do we do?" Becca asked.

"First things first, we need weapons."

"If I had my flamethrower we would probably have an easier time..." I heard Torcher say to himself. He was right.

"Well these were a surprise gift but right now is probably the best time to give them to you guys" Becca said a bit upset as she pulled something out of her pocked and unwrapped it to reveal a green and yellow camping knife.
She handed the yellow one to Torcher and the green one to me.

"One for my brother and the other for my best friend..."

"Thanks Becca" Me and Torcher said in unison.

"No problem"

"But what about you?" Torcher asked her with worry laced in his voice.

"I'll just stay behind you guys, plus I know how to fight" Torcher was still clearly worried for his sister but he let her be.

"We have to gather supplies as well" Torcher stated.

"Oh, well good thing we're in the kitchen" 

"Yeah but where will we bring the food"

"That's also no problem since there are a lot of bags in the cabinets"

"Alright then, now all we need is a plan.."

After about an hour of discussing a plan we finally decided on the best one, and then headed to sleep on the bags we had set up to use as pillows. The next morning I woke up to someone shaking me

"Huh? Oh it's just you" I whispered as I tried to get up, but something was holding me down. When I looked to my right I saw Torcher hugging me in his sleep. I instantly got embarrassed but I didn't panic so that he wouldn't react and get the attention of the infected.

Becca smiled before shaking Torcher awake as well.

"C'mon, get up, we have to get out of here" Once Torcher woke up he let go of me and rubbed his eyes.

"Alright...let's go" He said as he stumbled up and grabbed a bag. I let out a small laugh before doing the same.

Half an hour later we were fully awake and ready to go so we moved the fridge and turned off the lasers that we for some reason have. The room connected to the kitchen was empty but me and Torcher still pulled out our knives since we knew better than to let our guard down. We quietly opened the door and peeked out, and what I saw terrified me. A swarm of infected was scattered all around the outpost. Now the chances of us getting out got lower, but at this point we didn't have much of a choice so we left our safe place.

They didn't spot us at first but then one of them saw us as we were getting closer to the exit. They were getting closer so we tried to run but they blocked the exit.
I stabbed a few of them and Torcher stabbed some others but there were still a ton left.

"Aaaahhh!!!!" I turned to look next to me and I saw that a soldier had grabbed Becca

"REBECCA!!!" Torcher turned as well and tried to grab Becca but the infected took advantage of the moment and grabbed him from behind.

"TORCHER!!BECCA!!!" I stabbed the infected who tried to grab me and tried to help Torcher and Becca, but I was too late.

I saw as a soldier stabbed Becca... blood began to drip from the wound on her chest. At that moment it felt like time had stopped...

All I saw was Torcher's mouth move as he tried to get close to her but I couldn't hear what he was saying.
I suddenly felt sick, and it was getting hard to breathe, but I was snapped back to reality when Torcher slapped me.

"IDIOT, WAKE UP, YOU NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE" He pushed me away from the infected as he said that.

"T- torcher?" 

"GO!" I didn't want to but I stood up and ran to the exit. I looked back before leaving but Torcher was far behind.


"I can't..." I love you to much to leave...


"What..?" Then he fell to the floor... 1..2..3, three seconds passed before he stood up with glowing red and blue eyes. 

There's nothing I can do anymore..

 I ran out the exit and didn't stop running until I made it to the forest. I tried holding on to a tree but I still fell, when I did I threw up. I felt sick... 

Rebecca...was dead and Torcher...was infected...

For the first time in years I felt lost and alone. When I joined the military Rebecca became my best friend, then I met her brother...Torcher and I started to have a crush on him, but he never got close to anyone other than his sister...but, he said- he liked me too... now he's gone though...

This feels worse than the time I almost died in an accident.
 I couldn't even tell him I liked him back, maybe if I had I would feel at least a bit better. 

Now I'll never know..

Sadness level 1,000


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