Pandy x Tigry angst?

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So...I didn't realized I was writing angst instead of fluff...shoot. I will make a part two with fluff so don't worry, I'll fix it.
Should I still tag since this wasn't what they asked for?
Uh...chilli_toaster I promise I'll fix it in part two

OH YEAH(idiot forgot to put a trigger warning), this contains mentions of self-harm and mentions of suicide.

Pandy's pov

"Hey Pandy, Willow called you. She's in the cafeteria" Kitty said as she came up to me.

"Kay, thanks for telling me" I got up from my bed and headed downstairs to the cafeteria where I saw Willow sitting down as she rapidly tapped her foot on the floor.

"You called?" She got up and looked at me.

"Ah, Pandy. Yes! You're the last one"

"Last of what?"

"You're the only one who hasn't talked to Tigry yet"

"What?! Is he still in that room?"

"Afraid so. You need to get him out, we have a mission tomorrow and it won't go well if Tigry isn't present"

"What is it?"

"We're gonna meet up with other survivors"

"What!? Really?!" Willow nodded.

"Yes, but since Tigry's the strongest we NEED him to come with us so please get him out of there. I don't want to have to resort to other methods"
 Willow scares me when she talks like that so I quickly agreed and headed to the room that Tigry had locked himself in. When I got there I knocked on the door.

"Tigry? It's me, Pandy"

There was silence on the other side for a bit.

"I know, you're the only one who hasn't tried wont work."

"C'mon Tigry you need to get out of there. You haven't eaten in days."

"I don't care. I'll die in here if I have too." Geez. Could I really get him out of there? He clearly doesn't want to..

"Tigry I get it, Rash was your best friend but you need to get over it"

Then there was yelling coming from behind the door.


"Tigry. Let me in." I heard more crying but suddenly I heard a click. I turned the door knob and to my surprise he actually opened it. When I completely opened it I saw Tigry standing in front of me, his eyes were red, he had really dark eye bags and was covered in blood.

"Oh my gosh, you look awful" I tried to reach for him but he stepped back.

"What are you gonna try? Hate to break it to you but it won't work. The others have probably  already tried it."  

"Could you just let me in?"

. . .

"Please?" He sighed before stepping to the side to let me in. When I stepped in I saw the table was flipped over, things were thrown everywhere, and there was a knife with blood on the floor.

"Tigry..what did you do?"

"Hm, none of your business, now hurry up your speech."

He sat in a corner of the room once he said that. I hesitated but I sat next to him.

"Tigry, stop being an as-hole, this is serious. You're clearly not okay, you need help."

"Yeah, well where am I supposed to get that, huh? The world is practically ending."

"Tigry, the world is pretty bad but it's not ending. We can find a way to fix it and avenge Rash's death." He looked surprised but that only lasted a bit. And I'm a freaking idiot, the blood on that knife is fresh. I picked up the knife that lay a few feet a way from me and confirmed my suspicions. I got closer to Tigry, grabbed his arm, and pulled up his sleeve.

"What the hel-"

"Tigry, you idiot! Why would you do this to yourself?!"

"Ugh, you fucking ruined it! If it wasn't for you I'd already be dead! I wouldn't have to be here anymore!" He yelled at me clearly angry.

"What? What are you talking about?"

"I was about to kill myself when you knocked on the door and made me drop the fucking knife!"

"Tigry..." Then he began to cry. This scene felt...familiar.


"Where's Peter?" 

"I don't want to see you!! Get out!" I ran out of the room with tears rolling down my face. Why does mom hate me?
Then I heard her cry. Mom never cried..

"I'm's not your's mine.." I heard her whisper to herself.

"Don't worry Sweety, Mom didn't mean that, she's just upset. She blames herself for your brothers death, just take it easy on her and help her when you can. She'll be alright"

"You...blame yourself for his death, don't you?" He didn't respond.

"My mom did mom would yell at everyone to go away, but it was because she felt guilty for my brothers death. She thought it was her fault, but it wasn't. There's no way she could have prevented it..."

"She got better though, she realized it wasn't her fault and did her best to move on. She did."

It was a bit awkward but I hugged him from behind.

"You can get better too. You need to realize that it isn't your fault."

"How are you so sure?"

"You weren't even there-"

"I mean, how are you so sure I'll get better?"

"Everyone can get better, plus I believe in you, and so do the others"

He didn't reply anything. I backed away and pulled out some (gauze) bandages and wrapped them around his arms.

"You do realize that those are the only bandages you get until you find more, right?"

"I know. I can go and find more if I really need them, but right now you need them more."
Once I was done he hugged me.

"He was the only friend I ever had. It hurts to know he's dead"

"I know, my brother was the only one I ever talked to, he was my friend. It hurt to be alone, but...I was young and learned to make new friends. You can make new friends. That doesn't mean you'll replace him, he'll always be there. But you learn to be there for yourself as well."

I hugged him back as he began to cry again.

"You know, Rash was Willow's step-brother, she's also hurting even though she doesn't show it. All the other members also knew Rash, we weren't that close to him, but we kinda miss him too. You don't have to be alone, Tigry"

He just hugged me tighter and said

"Please don't leave"

"I won't" I'll stay as long as you want me too, and when you do get better I'll be there too.

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