The Meet up (Prologue Part 1)

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(Betty will be a bottom because why not and I am not saying all girls are bottoms It's just I have no Idea on who would be top or bottom so I decided that she will be the bottom and when we first meet her in Glitchtale she is a sweetheart and sometimes her past self can come out and make her kind-of sweet because in my story line of Glitchtale Betty and Amber are the same person but with a few different things that make them their on person and the picture above is not mine hope you enjoy the bits of humor I put In enjoy)

???? POV:

Cross Chara was running from Ink, Error, Cross, Blue, Dream and quite a few other alternate sanses from different timelines and cross was gaining on him.

"GET BACK HERE CHARA!" Cross yelled.

"NEVER" Cross Chara yelled back.

Cross Chara decided to open a portal right before Cross and the others could get him.

Cross Chara's POV:

I was running from those alternate sanses and quickly opened a portal to a random alternate universe (AU) to get away. Before the portal closes, I see a very pissed off Cross so I stick my tongue out at him and then the portal closes. I then start running for my life because I have no IDEA what AU I am currently in. "It sort of looks like a wasteland out here" I said aloud to myself, but not really but I also know that those sanses will be back so I need to find a place to lay low But first I need to find out what AU I'm in. I use OVERWRITE and to find out I was In the AU Glitchtale and since I like hurting and killing others It was my lucky day. Maybe I should find the antagonist of this AU and help cause mayhem, also I see a FREAKING SCARY Forest area and from the Info of the AU's database this place Is most definitely used for lots of FEAR so I start heading for It since the only fear I have Is of death. With me being me I forgot I had gotten STABBED AND HURT A LOT BY THOSE IDIOTIC SANSES I fall to the ground and everything goes black...

Betty Noire POV:

"Those STUPID humans and monsters bested me again" I said aloud to myself and good thing they don't know I live In these woods right next to their base or city??? whatever they call It and also even If they find out no one can come here unless they have the fear of death. (Wow how Ironic Is It that Cross Chara has the fear DEATH. P.S This Is me foreshadowing the rest of this prologue)  "Man how Ironic would It be If a someone try coming In here with out the stupid fear of death" (ARE YOU TRYING TO BREAK THE FORTHWALL AND IF YOU I MUST GET MY TAPE) I said to myself but It Is kind of lonely here with out Kumu but with me being the villain I can't really have friends unless I take their soul and talk about bad things that happened to the ones they loved and cherished before I took their soul. I tried that with the rainbow soul, Asriel but It got to the point where I could not put any more hatred for the people he loves (I feel you Betty I have been so alone In quarantine besides going to my moms friends house for more quarantine then back home for more quarantine and me being by myself In my room and staying up until 2 In the morning I feel you and with you batting your moving to a different place then back then being alone this Is so what a coincidence I think yess and lets get back to the story sorry for rambling) "Maybe I should go for a walk In my 'fearful forest' and see what I find".

???? POV:

Betty was walking walking through her 'Fearful Forest' and found what looks like a boy and they were unconscious but even If Betty was evil something was telling her to help them so she lifts them up onto their shoulder (Dang Betty you lifting some weights or what) and headed for home.

Betty Noire POV:

I take this stranger back to my house In the forest and set them down on my couch and go get the medical kit.. where Is the medical kit... oh yeah Its up stairs I go get the medical kit and head back to the stranger then I start bandaging them up. I check there soul It looks like a determination soul combined with a perseverance. So I will ask about It when he wakes up I go put the rest of the medical kit in the bathroom and go to the kitchen and sit there for awhile.

Cross chara's POV:

I woke up to be on someone couch and from the looks It seems the antagonist of this AU lives here since this looks sort of wooden than modern like the so called heroes of this AU. I can't wait to learn this antagonists sad life because what some so-called-know-it-all heroes think they know everything that goes on and think that us "villains" are evil In all the ways that we can and probably think are lives were normal and we chose to go this way In life and the way everyone probably thinks this only goes to every pacifist and neutral timelines of an AU Because they are somewhat or are normal unlike genocide timelines and AU's. I snap back Into reality and see a really pinked dressed girl with a scythe. I start to listen to her conversation because It looks like she does not see I am awake so I start listening to her and she said. "how about I use Asriel to try and attack determination to get him to..." said the strange pink girl, so then I decided that I was going to Introduce myself carefully because she has a scythe and even If I summon my knife I still feel weak so I speak out. "Hello strange pink girl" I said softly and quietly but loud enough for her to hear. She flinches to the sound that I am awake and from the looks It looks like she forgot I was here. "W-who are you" the strange pink girl said while stuttering because she was still startled from me being there. (I am about to scream at this boy just ask Betty her name and let me finish this Prologue so that later on I can foreshadow that you two will get together) "My name Is Cross Chara but you can call me CC for short" I said trying to be normal "My name Is Bete Noire but you can call my Betty and yes Bete Noire means Black beast" Betty said with a sort of straight face. "Well.. I have a question but before I ask I am a murderer and I am sort of a bad guy or villain to everyone also AU's exist" I said sitting up and look proud to be a killer and for some reason Betty had a happy smile on her face and she said. "Well If AU's exist and so do Protagonists and Antagonists I guess you can say I am the antagonist of this AU and even If I am the bad guy I kind-of want a friend and from the looks that you were In when I found you It Looks like that you are wanted by those alternate people from what you call 'AU's' and need a place to stay low am I correct" Betty said I then looked at her and straight up said "Spot on". We chatted a lot for awhile and Betty told me about her past and all her ability's and I told her about my soul, ability's, and my past also I learned that In her past she had a Two-Traited soul that conspired of Kindness and Integrity I kind of was In awe because I learned that glitchtale Is the only AU that Is known for It's two-traited souls and souls where they lost there trait Betty looked at the time. "Wow we have been talking for awhile I think I am going to go to bed to I can have energy to destroy those pesky humans and monsters" Betty said with glee "Hey maybe when I am all healed up can I help destroy and kill with you" I said with sort of a devilish smirk because I wanted to kill and destroy. An evil smile grew on Betty and she said "Sure I can always use the help even If I force It like I did with Asriel" Betty said with a very devilish smirk "Well goodnight Betty" CC said "Goodnight CC" Betty said going up stairs.

(I have wrote 1522 words I have a new personal record and I also am counting what I am writing right now)

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