Learning Bits Of The Truth...

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I DO NOT own the song I chose It because why not

Miss Grey's POV:

I was with Chara and Spark "Hey Chara what time Is It" I asked "Oh It's 8:30 AM" Chara replied "Well shouldn't the other be getting up soon" I said "Oh yeah well I'm going to go but Spark better hide" Chara said "Okay bye Chara and Sparky go hide"I said and Chara turned around and before Chara left Spark waved goodbye somehow I don't question It and Chara waved back and then left also my Sparky boy went and hid In a random spot no one could see and I decided to go and pretend to be asleep.

Chara's POV

After I left Miss Grey and Spark I went to go see mom and I found mom In the kitchen "Hey mom" I said "Hello young man what are you doing up so early well I woke up around six and just went and checked on everyone to make sure they were okay and Miss Grey was awake but I got her to go back to bed" I said sort of lying because I stayed with Miss Grey  and Spark when I woke up and keep them company "anyways can you get Hugo and Papyrus I have some breakfast for them" Toriel said "Okay mom" I said back and I headed up stairs and wake Hugo and Papyrus up they get up and come downstairs with me "Miss Toriel how Is Miss Grey" Papyrus asked "Well I healed and stitched up the gash on her back but It will leave a nasty scar but the stitches will dissolve after 2 months" Toriel said (I picked a random time because I had no Idea) "Oh my poor Miss Grey" Hugo said "But the other people might not care because they say 'Oh she help that monster she Is one to' It's kind of annoying" I said kind of be really PISSED OFF "Oh my child I an sorry you feel that way but until people forgive and forget It might be like that until Betty Is gone" Toriel said while taking the three's empty plates "Hey mom If Betty ever gets killed and Miss Grey quits the AMD could she help you at the school" I asked "Well If she Is interested then maybe but until everything goes back to normal It will be an I don't know okay Chara" Toriel said "Okay mom but can we check on Miss Grey and ask how she summoned the bones and Gaster Blaster" I asked "Not until Gaster and Rave get here but until then why don't you, Papyrus, and Hugo go do something okay" Toriel asked "Fine see you later mom bye" I said "Bye my child" Toriel said and Me, Hugo, and Papyrus left.

Toriel's POV:

After my the three left I went and checked on Miss Grey since she was In the worse condition so when I enter the room I see a dog with Miss Grey and hear Miss Grey say "Come on Spark Hid before the come In and see you" Miss Grey said "Hello Miss Grey Is this your dog and If so what's their name" I asked curiously "O-oh hi Miss Toriel and yes this Is my dog their name Is Spark and they are somehow non-binary but I don't question It" Miss Grey said and I really wanted to know why they were blue "Um Miss Grey why Is some of sparks fur Blue" I asked "Oh they were a rescue and they were dyed blue" Miss Grey said but for some reason I felt that she was lying but I didn't question It "Well I am In here to make sure you are comfortable and not In pain" I said and started the check up after a little while Is told Miss Grey that I was going to check on Asgore and she was alright with It as long as she has her faithful companion I then left and went to the next room over and saw Asgore sitting up "Hello Asgore how are you feeling today" I asked "Well I am okay Toriel" Asgore respawned "But I am curious why did you leave yesterday when Undyne, Ronan, and Chara came running by" Asgore asked "Well... Miss Grey got hurt protecting Chara during one of are attacks and she got a gash from her shoulder to her waist" I explained "Oh my Is she alright as In Is she healing" Asgore said with a bit of worry In his voice "Yes Miss Grey Is healing but Chara thinks no one besides us Is going to care" I said "Well we shouldn't worry about what other people or monster think okay Tori " Asgore said even tho I don't want him to call me Tori I let I slide for now and we start chatting.

Papyrus's POV: (You are most likely think 'FINALLY someone elses POV)

I was with Sans and from the looks It looks like he Is waking up but I can't be so sure what he will think of Miss Grey being on our side but we will explain things when he wakes up I then see Gaster and Rave come running In here "Papyrus I think he Is waking up" Gaster said and the Sans wakes up "SANS your awake" I said cheerfully that my brother Is sort of okay "Oh hey Papyrus, Gaster, and Rave where are the others "Oh Miss Toriel Is with Asgore right now and I was original with Chara and Hugo but left to see you and Miss Gre-" I quickly cover my mouth and I see Sans getting angry "AND WHY IS SHE HERE!" Sans yelled with angry "Calm down brother she Is on our side now right Rave and Gaster" I turned toward them "Yeah she Is" Rave said "And she Is basically hated by everyone which includes Me, Rave, and most likely you but the others seem to be warming up to her" Gaster explained "how could you guys forgive her when she helped kill me" Sans said "Well... brother we don't have time for this arguing about Miss Grey and I forgive her and so be It on that topic anyways we still need to get Asriel back" I explained "What did she do this time help Betty kill Asriel" Sans said "No brother she was on our side before he died so she didn't do It and I am leaving If you keep being upset about Miss Grey" I said "Fine leave... I just want sometime to let this all sit In not pun Intended" Sans said "Okay bye Sans, Gaster, and Rave I am going to tell the other that you are awake" I said "Bye" three said In unison and I left to got find Chara and Hugo.

Hugo's POV: (Another new POV bet you didn't see that coming)

I was chasing Chara and we bump Into Papyrus "Hey humans guess what" Papyrus said with glee "What?" Chara asked the skeleton "Well If you must know the great Papyrus has Important news which Is that Sans Is awake and I am going to the AMD building to tell the others" Papyrus said "Well that great that Sans Is awake Is It alright If we come with you to the AMD building" Chara asked (If you must know the one of the AMD building Is sort of their new house and temporary hospital but later that AMD building there talking about will become the hospital) "Yeah!" I said with enthusiasm "Sure Humans Lets GO!" Papyrus said with a bit of enthusiasm at the end.

Miss Grey's POV

I was with Spark In my hospital room when I hear Papyrus and maybe two other voices coming other here "Miss Grey we have some Importan-" Hugo was cut off by Spark barking at him then they stopped because they saw Chara "Hi Spark Its nice to see you again" Chara said "Wait you know this small creature" Papyrus asked "Yes and this Is Miss Grey's dog, Spark and they also are non-Binary" Chara explained "Anyways what Is the Important news" I asked weakly still in pain and Spark sees this and comes other to me worryingly "I am all right Spark" I whispered to them "Well the big news Is that Sans Is awake" Papyrus said "And why do I get the feeling I should be hiding" I asked because I was scared Sans might hurt me because of what I did "Don't worry Miss Grey If he tries to we will stop him right guys" Chara said "Yeah" Hugo said with enthusiasm "I will to but we are not going to hurt him" Papyrus said "Oh looks like time flies when you are doing things I think Its time we go to bed" Chara said and they all left and I drifted off to sleep"

????? POV:

And It seems everyone gets to bed maybe later you will find out who I am and who knows me but not right now because that would just spoil the fun I am having why don't you try to find out who I am but I am not Elixir or Sharptale Frisk GOODBYE.

(Okay everyone I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I will start working on chapter one for empireverse)


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