"So...Are They Together...or...What"

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Electron's POV:

"Hey guys look what I found when I visited some AU's" I said "Well lets here It" Jessica said "Well when I visited the AU's I saw Betty and CC-" I was cut off by Chara "Um who Is CC" Chara asked "So you know that person who Is with Betty" I said "Yeah" Chara said "Well there name Is Cross Chara, but they go by CC" I said "Oh okay" Chara said "Anyways, I saw them In CC new AU and look" I said and showed them a picture,

And everyone was shocked except me and Jessica "Why do I get the feeling there dating" Jessica said, I started laughing and everyone looked at Jessica "Omg your spot on" I said "um what do you mean" Jessica asked "Look I recorded this" I said and started playing what the recording "What are you doing" said some voice and the 3 turned around and posed except Kumu he just floated there. "You do know that Is very rude to not answer back when someone Is talking to you" Blue said "Does It look like I give a shit" I said and CC started laughing and Kumu giggled "Okay byeeee" CC said and picked me up bridal style "CC!" I said, starting blush so I hid my face" Then I stopped the recording "Wow..." Chara said "So...are they together...or...what" Jessica said because we were all staring at her "I ship It" Beam said "Let's go Beam" Jessica said.



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