Sometimes Its Good To Hear Others Pain

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Sharptale Frisk's POV:

I was with Miss Grey or as In Jessica but no one can see me because I am a phantom and so Is Sharptale Chara or as In Sharp Is her nickname, so me and Sharp were following Jessica as she walk out side with Sharpy but sharp was kind of amazed to see her other alternate self that Is a boy "Frisky-bits look a boy verison of me" Sharp said "I'm kind of surprised there IS a boy version of you" I said "Hey guys who Is this, they kind of look like Sans that Is determined" Hugo said walking up to us and Ronan came by "We actually didn't get to know you did we" Ronan said but Sharpy hid behind Jessica "It's alright Sharpy these humans won't hurt you" Miss Grey said "O-okay" Sharpy said "So what AU of you from" Ronan said "Sharptale and are AU was destroyed by the creators because are creator made us all have determination souls see" Sharpy said and brought out his monster soul which was red and everyone was amazed to see another determination soul "But do others exist of Is It just you" Chara asked "Yeah but the Chara and Frisk of their AU live as my phantoms, me and elixir or as In Electrontale Gaster were trying to find a way to set them free and we figured If I am able In the future to set the alternate Sanses out then I should be able to do that as well but I still need to set the alternate papyruses and gaster's" Miss Grey explained and Chara had there jaw dropped and I snickered but I was curious where Is the alternate version of me.

Miss Grey's POV:

I left with Chara and Sharpy after we talked with Ronan and Papyrus but I learned yesterday that we needed to get to the arena and Gaster's old lab, they asked me to drive and I agreed we got the van that could fit quite a few people and drove to get Gaster, Sans, and Papyrus "Hey Miss Grey how did you find these alternate people" Chara asked "Well back when I was three I ran away from home and tripped on a rock In the woods I then saw a flame and It was a alternate version of Toriel who found me and adopted me" I said "Really but what about Asriel" Chara added "I was five when he was born and lots of times I would hang out with the alternate Sanses and spend the night at there house by my on decision I might add" I finished and Chara's jaw was dropped "And Chara your alternate version Is a girl" Sharpy said from the back and Chara became silent from that but I shall never tell anyone how I got my drivers licence revoked 5 years ago but I saw that Sharpy was laughing from Chara's expression "How Is my alternate version a girl" Chara asked "Well some creators choose If they want their Chara to be a boy, girl, or what most creators do non-binary oh look were here" I said after we got In the driveway we got out and went In to see them getting ready from a fight "Hey guys" Chara said "Hey Chara we are ready to go" Papyrus said but Gaster and Sans gave me a stern look "Okay let's get going" Chara said and we got out to the car Papyrus, Sans, Sharpy, and Chara were In the back Me and Gaster were In the front.

Chara's POV:

 "Human Chara are you alright" Papyrus asked "Yeah I'm okay It's just I think Betty Is planning something" I said "She probably Is" Sans added Miss Grey looked at the rear view mirror "Uhh guys I think we have company" Miss Grey said because pink blobs are after us and Gaster saw too from the rear view mirror "Chara Get In front" Gaster said getting In the back and I got In the front, Gaster opening the vans back door that swung open because of the vans movement I saw that Miss Grey opened the sunroof "Sharpy get on top and help the others" Miss Grey told him "You got It Miss Grey" Sharpy said getting on the roof Miss Grey swerved at the corner and everyone went to the right "Sorry" Miss Grey said and we got back to fighting but then Miss Grey saw that a bigger pink blob was heading for our way so Miss Grey put the car In park swerved and turned around and hit the smaller pink blobs I almost fell out "Miss Grey how did you do that" I asked "Not right now Chara we are kind of In the middle of something also Sharpy Mega Frenzy" Miss Grey said and Sharpy formed a mega Gaster blaster and shot the blob Into oblivion "Miss Grey how far are we from my lab" Gaster asked "We are almost there" Miss Grey said Gaster then closed the van doors and Sharpy came back Into the van "Oof" Sharpy said.

Gaster's POV:

10 minutes later

we finally got to my old lab we went Inside except Sharpy because he stayed In the van just In case not blobs come back I knew for a fact we were going to be here for awhile and we might not have time to get back to the hospital but we could make one of the other AMD buildings a home for us right now since we lost the original Me and Chara were In a room gathering the stuff we need while Papyrus, Sans, and Miss Grey were In a different room gathering other Items we needed "Hey Chara" I asked "Yeah Gaster" Chara answered back "What If we were to take another AMD building and turn It Into a house because we original was destroyed" I said "I like the Idea but we need to ask the others" Chara said we got back to the others after 20 minutes and we saw I was getting dark out "Miss Grey can we head for one of the AMD building and turn It Into a house for right know" I asked "Sure I will head there now" Miss Grey said and we drove off after awhile It got dark and we got to the building we left the Items In the and went Inside found some mattress and set up some rooms I checked on everyone and saw Miss Grey was not I her room and so was Sharpy so I go looking for them and found them on the roof flying "J when are you going to tell the truth and set the other free I know It's not time yet but when are you going to tell the truth" Sharpy asked "I don't know Sharpy I mean I'm alright with more people hating me because something I didn't tell anyone except elixir, mom, and dad was that my biological mom fed me so much hate a little after my dad died and around three years old I ran away because the cycle of abuse Sharpy" Miss Grey explained and It was so heartbreaking to hear that she was hurt a lot more than I was "I think I'm going to head In for the night okay J" Sharpy said "I will be down In a little bit" Miss Grey said and I quickly hide and after I knew Sharpy was gone I came out "Miss Grey" I said and she flinched and came down "How much did you hear" Miss Grey said "I heard something I am glad I heard your story and your pain" I answer "So why are you here exactly" Miss Grey asked I walked up to her and gave her a hug and she hugged back "What can I call you" I asked "You can call me Jessica" Miss Grey said and we stayed like this for awhile until I heard soft snoring I teleported us to her room an set her down on her bed, went to my room and I fell asleep.



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