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Picture not mine

1 Week before

Betty's POV:

I think I might have fallen for CC and within a week and a few days of meeting him It's just the way he fights and how scary he can look (God I have no IDEA how to do this and for some reason I am cringing and I don't know why) when fighting and usually I don't fall for anyone because I am the 'bad guy' and people think the only love I know Is L.O.V.E the acronym but If I wanted and friend then It means I have feelings too so I am going to take a little break on tormenting the humans and monster and start getting to know CC "Hey CC guess what" "What" CC asked "We are taking a little break from tormenting the humans and monsters because they might rebuild a little bit and when the little break Is over we strike" I said "I like the sound of that plan of yours Betty, but what are going to do In the meantime" CC asked "Well why don't we get to know each other a little more beside are backstories" I said coming out of the kitchen with chocolate, sat on the couch and gave It to CC "Thanks for the chocolate and um do you have a crush" CC asked "W-why are you asking that" I said sort of stuttering and and blushing a little but I think he didn't notice "Well even If were villains It's like you said you wanted a friend and some people want a lover like me but I know no one will love me because I am a villain" CC said well It Is true I did want a friend "Wellll getting off the topic of If I have a crush you tell me do you have a crush" I asked and I turn towards the him to see his white face turn red "Um you alright red tomato" I asked the tomato "I am not a fruit" CC said and I giggled a little "Well hypothetically speaking If I had a crush on you and started to kiss you what would you do" CC asked and with out thinking "I probably would kiss back" I said and then realized what Is said and started blushing "Um well that was unexpected hey can you look at me real quick" CC asked and I turned my head towards him and he stared at me for a little bit and then kissed me well I kissed back because It felt right and he broke It and I gave him a hug and hid my blushing face "Well looks like the soul of fear has fallen In love" CC said "Oh shuddup CC" I said In his jacket then I calmed down and we started talking and I learned that CC was actually just misunderstood I sort of am but really I like causing pain and suffering but I started to talk about what I loved doing and so did he we chatted for awhile a stuff on what we should do but but later we fell asleep cuddling.

Cross Chara's POV:

I was In the living room thinking of something to do but for some reason I keep thinking about Betty and I don't know why but what Frisk use to tell me Is that sometimes If you keep thinking about someone I could mean that you have fallen for them I mean she Is pretty (Ooooo CC got a crush) then I hear Betty "Hey CC guest what" Betty said "What" I answered back "We are taking a little break from tormenting the humans and monsters because they might rebuild a little bit and when the little break I over we strike" Betty said from the kitchen and I adored the plan "I like the sound of that plan Betty, but what are we going to do In the meantime" I asked "Well why don't we get to know each other besides are backstories" Betty said coming In to the living room and sat on the couch while giving me a chocolate bar, I love chocolate "Thanks for the chocolate and um do you have a crush" I asked because I was curious "W-why are you asking that" Betty said while stuttering but I didn't want to embarrass her I even saw her start to blush but of course I didn't say anything "Well even If were villains It's like you said you wanted a friend and some people want a lover like me but I know no one would love someone like me because I am a villain" I said she was silent for a little bit and then spoke up "Wellll getting off topic of 'If I have a crush' you tell me do you have a crush" Betty asked and I went silent and became a red tomato "Um you alright red tomato" Betty asked "I am not a fruit"I said and betty giggled a little "Well hypothetically speaking If I had a crush on you and started to kiss you what would you do" I asked still blushing but It died down "I probably would kiss back" Betty said and she probably realized what she said and turned away blushing "Um well that was unexpected hey can you look at me real quick" I asked and she turned towards me and I stare at her for a little bit and then kiss her and she kissed back and I broke the kiss and Betty gave me a hug and hid her face "Looks like the soul of fear has fallen In love" I said "Oh shuddup CC" Betty said back with her face still In my jacket she calmed herself do and we started taking I told her how I am Misunderstood and we chatted for awhile and later we fell asleep on the couch cuddling each other after awhile.

 but we learned some people are


I made this chapter because It Is for the XNoire ship and the next chapter will be for a different ship but I will not tell you because It will spoil It and It will be secret 

See you next time Pals

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