"S-she's gone"

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Betty's POV:

"Hey CC how about since are little break Is over and they didn't rebuild anything how about we destroy a lot more" I said "Sure" CC said with a devilish grin "How about you make a massive pink blob to destroy some tall buildings" CC added "Okay lets get going" I said.

Miss Grey's POV:

Me and Gaster woke up but we did not say a word about last night and when the others woke up we transfer all the Items we got at Gaster's lab "Miss Grey we have a problem there Is a massive blob out side towards the north entrance we will be sending a transport to pick up all who are willing to help" Ronan told me over the phone and Me, Gaster, Papyrus and Sans got ready

10 Minutes later

I was ready to got out In battle but I never told anyone that using any of my magic would affect me somehow so I brought my gun the transport arrived and we got on and after awhile we got there and there was a massive blob we started giving all we got and I told Rave he could us his special weapon when the blob knocked a building over Me and Gaster and the building came crumbling down on us and Gaster brought his hands up and summoned more they turned green and formed a shield but his hands started to crack and break and he fell to the ground and so did I, and I yelled "GASTER" and then It went black for awhile then I awoke and saw Gaster unconscious "Gaster" I said no reply and I got up and went over to him "Dr. Gaster" I said while nudging him a little and after a few seconds he woke up "Are you hurt" I asked and he tried getting up but It didn't help "Not much... but this Is worse..." He said "I'm stuck..." he almost finished but a few pebble fell scaring us both a little then I remember I had a teleporter "Gaster! We can us this!" I said "It's sort of a teleporter right?" I said he looked the other way as If something was wrong "What's wrong?..." I asked "That's a teleporter..." Gaster said "For one person" He added "Use It Jessica..." Gaster said "What?" I said "No I won't, we can-" "JUST GET OUT OF HERE!" He yelled I tried lifting the rock but I wouldn't budge but I was determined to lift It even If my soul trait Isn't determination "Jessica leave It!" "No we'll get out from here" I said "WHY ARE YOU BEING NICE TO ME!" he shouted and I stopped "I've yelled at you...insulted you...I even tried to kill you...and you still forgive me for It" He said "So I could a bit better about MY failures..." He said and I noticed he was crying "Just go..." he finished "I might be able to destroy part of the rubble with my gun" I said "I can amplify the magic output It works with. Making the shots more powerful" I said "L-like this..." I stuttered I tried shooting the gun but It just cracked my soul even more bring up some blood to my mouth with me putting my hand over my mouth I almost tried shooting again when "STOP IT JESSICA!" Gaster yelled "You're are just going to get yourself killed and we'll both die" Gaster said "Listen... I'm... I'm sorry"gaster said "We've got no time..." Gaster said "This place Is about to collapse...I" Gaster said unfinished "I forgive you...for...everything..." Gaster said "Please leave." Gaster finished and I thought for a moment "May I say one last thing..." I said starting the teleporter "...before we part ways?" I asked "Give her hell for me" I said and he teleported away and I knew where he would go so I let fates entwine on what would happen to me but Instead of dying Bream came out and protected me from the falling rock (Bream or as In Noonetale Papyrus Is Beams brother and this scene with Gaster and Jessica belongs to Camila Cuevas because she original made that scene In glitchtale season 2 episode 6 part 2 and I am not saying I own Glitchtale or the scene) and we talked for awhile.

Rave's POV:

Someone was teleported In the school's safe perimeter and I came In "Where am I" Gaster asked "Your at the school's safe perimeter Gaster" I said and saw the teleporters marker had been used and I remember all of what Miss Grey told me and how she was sorry about Alina "Gaster weren't you with Miss Grey In the city" I asked "Where's she?..." I also asked Gaster stood up and held onto a pole and turned his skull slightly and looked me dead In the eyes "Rave your her brother-In-law aren't you?...I have good news for you" Gaster said "S-shes gone and you just got promoted to the leader of this place" Gaster said "And for the sake this city, I recommend you keep It together...We've all lost something today... you can mourn after this Is all over" Gaster said and he looked up to the sound just made by the computer"It seems you need reinforcements at the arena and I suggest you put all efforts focused on stopping that monster, leave the arena to me" Gaster finished "You know your efforts won't help with a broken leg and how are you even standing up right now, um here this should help" I said and started checking his wounds and saw that he had two broken legs "Stay still for me please Gaster" I asked and started healing the wounds "I could send some reinforcements to the arena to help" I said "It's fine... there Is no need to" Gaster answered back "Okay that should do It" I said after I finished healing the wounds "It's healed that should make things easier for me now" Gaster said "Your welcome" I said "I will get going now" Gaster said "Wait what and I suppose to do with the gigantic blob In the city" I asked "Figure It out" Gaster simply said and left I know exactly what to do and headed to contact a few people.

Bream's POV:

"Jessica you know at the right time you with fly out correct" I asked coldly since I am soulless "Got It Bream" Jessica answered back "I know exactly what to do and who to free" Jessica said




It All Ended To Start Up Again (A Glitchtale Multi-Ship Story)Where stories live. Discover now