Chapter 20: Altered

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(Time Skip 2-3 years later and it starts to follow the manga/anime storyline)

"It's been while, Code Zero." The boy said cheerfully.

"It has, hasn't it, Hiro?" The girl said grinning.

The two 15 year old children who had just been put into a room said their greetings after a couple of weeks being apart. The boy, Hiro, had grown up to be a fine and excellent prodigy. The girl, Code Zero, had also grown up to be one of the most beautiful and excelling prodigies in Plantation 13 with Hiro. They have both grown quite a bit regarding their abilities and intellect.

"Though in reality it wasn't that long. I think about a couple of weeks, but to us I'm sure it seemed longer." Hiro said to his dear friend.

"That's true. It always seems that we only ever notice this because we usually are always training together. So it feels like it's been a long time." Code Zero said.

"That's right. So what did they have you do this time?" Hiro asked.

"The same tests as always." She sighs. "Just to check if I still have those headaches and if I pass out while piloting a Franxx." She says.

"Still no answers, huh?" He asks.

"Nope. Everything keeps saying that I'm fine and nothing is wrong with me. I don't understand how there could be nothing wrong with me when you and I both know there obviously is." She said, slightly annoyed.

"Maybe they just don't have what they need to figure out what is going on with you here. There may be a possibility that some of the other plantations might have better tests and the results that we're looking for." He says, trying to reassure his friend.

"There is always that possibility. Well, hopefully some day they'll be able to figure it out, but for now I just need to keep dealing with my problems until then." She says smiling.

"I agree and who knows maybe you'll get your answers sooner than later." Hiro says, trying to comfort Code Zero.

"Haha! Thank you for making me feel better again Hiro. What would I do without you?" She says giggling.

"Probably become even more stubborn with everyone around you and maybe even complain to the doctors about how they don't know what their doing. Hahaha!" Hiro says, sarcastically and laughing.

"Hey! I would not! And for your information, I would probably run away from everyone all the time too!" She says sarcastically back at him.

The two look at each other and then burst out laughing. Once they had finished laughing, Code Zero asked Hiro how his time away was.

"Now that I've told you about my amazing time away, how was yours? Did Miss Nana and Mr. Hachi tell you any news about the squads? Did you get to practice with that pistil, Naomi again? Or did you get any information on anything that's going to happen soon?" Code Zero asked patiently.

"Yes they did. They have already figured out who is going to be on what squad. I heard that I'll be on squad 13, with all of my other friends. Right now they are currently testing everyone's compatibility. Though me and Naomi are still having a bit of trouble creating a stable connection. I'm worried because if we can't then that will deem us both failures and we'll be sent away." He says worriedly. "It's so strange. I was perfectly fine working with you when we first began training as a team a few years ago and we were both compatible. But now that I am working with Naomi, I can't connect and become compatible with her or anyone else for that matter. They had me try with other pistils, but there was no luck with them either. I know she probably hates the fact that I am her partner but there's nothing I can do to change it." He says sounding upset.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2022 ⏰

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