Chapter 16: A Plan And A Friend

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"I'm sorry Miss Amai." Gin whispered to Miss Amai.


She hugged him and he hugged her back. Then Gin sat back down and Zero Two spoke once more.

"I'm sorry about this Miss Amai. I shouldn't have gone to the hideout, but I missed Code Zero and I wanted to be in a place that she was always at." Zero Two Said.

"I understand, Zero Two, but now I am afraid Gin will have to go into hiding soon again or else they are going to find him, then take him away. I don't know what they will do to him. So we must prepare for anything that may come our way. And you can help if you like Zero Two, but you do not need to if you don't want to." Miss Amai said to Zero Two.

Zero Two sat there for a few minutes and thought. Miss Amai stood up and Gin followed her to the back of her home. Zero Two stood up quickly and looked at Miss Amai and Gin.

"I am going to help you. If it wasn't for me, Gin would be safe but I caused him to be seen, so I must repay my debt. I also am going to do this for not only Gin and you, but as well as Code Zero. I made a promise a while back and I intend to keep it until she returns." Zero Two said.

Miss Amai and Gin turned around and looked at her and smiled. Miss Amai then spoke.

"Let's get started, shall we?" She said.
(Day 2)
*Somewhere on Plantation 13*
(Day 3)

Code 000 and Code 016 were both on their way to the Franxx's room. Dr. Franxx was leading them to the Franxx they would be piloting, which was the one and only Gardenia.

"Alright children. I will be back in a few minutes. I have to grab something for you both when you begin to pilot the Franxx." Doctor Franxx said.

"Yes, sir!" We both said.

Dr. Franxx then went off to where he was going, leaving me and Code 016 behind. I began to start a conversation.

"Are ready to practice at getting better at using a Franxx, Code 016?" I told him.

He looked at me and smiled.

"Yes, I am. Um.. also do you have a name or something someone else calls you?" He said shyly.

I smiled and then nodded at him. He looked at me with eyes that were very curious.

"Well, my friend from back at the 9th plantation gave me a name. I also gave her a name and one of my other friends received a code from me as well." I said.

"Oh wow! What is the name she gave you?" He asked curiously.

"My name is Code Zero. Do you have one?" I asked.

"Wow Code Zero sounds like a great name and to answer your question, I do have a name. I gave it to myself. I used to give people names when I was younger and that's what I called them from then on." He explained.

I looked at him with eyes that really wanted to know what it was. He giggled and then said his name. My name is Hiro." He said.

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