Chapter 2 - First Mission

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The next day, I woke up and it was time for the 9's to go on our first mission. I quickly got ready and went to say goodbye to Papa and Mama. They wanted to talk to me first.

"Code 000, be sure to work hard and do not show your true power to anyone. If you do, you will be severely punished. Do you understand?" Said Papa.

"Yes Papa, I understand. May I go now?" I asked hesitantly.

"Yes, you may go." He said.

I began to walk towards the exit to take me down, when two adults came out of nowhere, and followed me to the exit. I turned around and saw Papa had pressed a button that brought them up. I frowned but had to listen to both Papa and Mama or else I would be punished far worse than going to the lab. I left and then I saw Zero Two. She saw me and then ran towards me. The guards who were with me, went in front of me and pushed Zero Two to the ground. I screamed and pushed them out of the way. Zero Two had her eyes closed but opened them when she felt my hand and I helped her up again. She smiled and we both turned around and looked at the guards. They both saw a gleam of red anger in our eyes. They both stepped back and me and Zero Two continued walking on our own. We both arrived at the meeting room and stood in the back watching everyone come in. Of course 9'a was already there when we arrived. He walked towards me and Zero Two. He began to talk to us.

"Good morning, Code 002" He said smiling.

Zero Two ignored him because she did not like 9'a for some reason and walked away when he said morning to her.

"Good morning, lovely" He said looking at me with a smile.

I of course was shocked that he called lovely. No one had ever called me that, but I replied with a "good morning".

"Good morning to you too, 9'a." I told him.

I went to where Zero Two was standing and felt a pair of eyes watching me. I turned around and noticed 9'a was watching me. I turned back around and made a face that made Zero Two start laughing.

"Haha, you have a really strange friend." She said to me.

"He's not a friend, he's just is a really odd partner" I told her.

We both turned and watched him. He was talking to another teammate until he felt a strange feeling, and turned around and saw me and Zero Two watching him. He smiled and waved. I was confused and disgusted by him at the same time.

"What a strange boy." I thought to myself.

After that encounter, the man who gave us our mission yesterday came and gave us our next mission. We had to fight incoming Klaxours that were going to hit the plantation that us 9's stayed in. We all went to the changing rooms and got our gear on. We went to find our partners or go by ourselves to our Franxx. Zero Two went with her partner and I went and found 9'a. He saw me and took my hand. I was confused by this gesture but I held it back. He smiled and we walked to our Franxx. He sat down and I layed on my stomach. Before that he told me to sit up. I did and he took my hand again. He muted our conversation from the others.

He looked at me in the eye and said to me: "Let's try our hardest my lovely." He said.

I looked at him and wondered why he said these things to me all of a sudden. He then hugged me and said: "Let's try our best and make sure to get rid of those Klaxours." He said to me.

I pushed him away and said: "Yes, lets try our hardest and defeat those monsters." I told him seriously.

He let go and then unmuted our conversation and then we both got back into our places.

"Why did you mute us 9 'a and Code 000? This is a mission not a game. Now lets continue." The instructor said.

We then got instruction from the man who gave us our missions.

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