Chapter 3 - Welcome Back; part 1

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I woke up trying to figure out where I was and then I remembered what had happened to me the day before. I ended up passing out for some reason when we came back to the plantation. I sat up and saw a gift from Zero Two and 9 alpha. And I also saw my clothes for the day at the end of my bed. I then looked at the two gifts. I opened Zero Two's gift first and found sweets. I enjoyed eating sweets especially the ones she had gotten for me. I then looked at 9 alpha's gift and it was a Gardenia flower with a letter. I opened the letter and began to read it.

"My dearest lovely,
I dropped this lovely Gardenia and letter off to you to let you know that I hope you get well soon. I know that it's..well..umm strange that I'm writing this but I just wanted to let you know that I will be waiting for you and will not partner up with anyone else except you. You are a very important person to me but I don't really know why. I have never felt this way before. Who knows? But I hope you get well again snd see you soon, my lovely.
Sincerely yours, your lovely."

After I read the letter, I began to feel very flushed and felt a warm feeling in my heart. I didn't know what it was but I knew that I felt this feeling before, but I didn't know where though. I sat the letter down and then I looked out of the window and thought about all of the different things of the inside and outside of this plantation and what secrets lied within it and out. I knew it was wrong of me to wonder but I just had to know what was here. If anyone found out about this, I could be severly punished by Papa and Mama. I stopped thinking about everything and began to think about the next mission. I had to stay on task if I wanted to be kept on this team.

I got off the hospital bed and grabbed my clothes. I closed the curtains and I got dressed and ready to go. I went to make the bed and open the curtains again. I grabbed my gifts and stuffed each one in my pockets, then walked towards the door. I opened it to find Zero Two waiting. She was sitting on the floor waiting...for me. She looked up and smiled. I smiled back at her. I gave her my hand and she stood up. We began to walk out of the building and back to our plantation.

"Are you feeling better Code Zero? Are you sure you don't want to rest longer?" Said Zero Two worryingly.

I turned and smiled. "Don't worry, Zero Two. You don't have to worry about me. It was just the after effect of using a Franxx for the first time." I told her.

Zero Two still looked a bit worried but not as much as before.

"Alright Code Zero, if you say so. It's been lonely since you passed out for five days." Said Zero Two sounding sad.

I jumped in shock and said: "F-five days?! It's been that long?! I thought it happened yesterday?"

"No, it has been five days. And those five days were the loneliest ever. Even though I visited every morning and night, I still felt lonely not hearing you or seeing you in the meeting room of the 9's. 9'a missed you a lot he came everyday and sometimes slept here waiting for you to awaken again. He'll be surprised to see you awake." Zero Two said.

They both laughed and continued walking. They exited the entrance of the hospital and went towards the plantation. They walked inside the elevator and went up to the 4th level and went to the meeting room where everyone was. I trailed behind Zero Two so I could surprise everyone. She opened the door and entered first everyone turned and looked at her take a seat. The door then closed. I waited a few moments and then opened the door. Everyone turned and all had expressions of shock and surprise on their faces. 9'a turned around and smiled. He ran towards me and then hugged me. I was in shock and hugged him back. And then the rest of the team joined. Zero Two stood up and pulled me away from everyone. They all watched her and glared, then walked away murmuring something, except for 9'a. He stood there and did not let go of my hand, but neither did Zero Two. They both had smirks on their faces and just stared at each other. I felt uneasy being in the middle of them so I wiggled out of their grasp of their hands. I hopped back, doing backflips and turned at the same time, then bent forward a little and smiled.

Everyone saw her moves and were amazed on how she did that. Zero Two was more intrigued then anyone.

"Aww, you all missed me that much? Haha." Said Code Zero giggling.

Everyone turned and watched Code Zero giggle and smile. It was really the first time that anyone had seen her laugh besides Zero Two and they all thought that she had no such emotion. They all gasped and then laughed with her. It was also the first time they ever truly laughed. She was the light of their lives even if no one realized it then.

They all jumped when they heard the door's code being put in. They stopped laughing and quickly went to their seats. The door opened and the adult that gave them their missions came with two other adults. He had a very strange expression on his face. And he looked around at everyone and then focused on me, Zero Two, and 9'a. Something was going on, but what was it, we did not know.

To be continued in Part Two

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