Chapter 4 - The Watcher

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We turned and left back towards the meeting room. I waved goodbye to them and walked towards the entrance to my home with Papa and Mama. I entered all the entryways and then towards the elevator. It went up all the way to the top. I walked through the passage that scanned me or anyone that was admitted to seeing Papa and Mama. I then put my Code in and palm on the scanner. It turned green and opened the door. I headed towards the waiting quarters where Mama usually was at this time. I saw her and greeted her.

"Welcome, Code 000. Let's go see Papa." She told me as she took my hand.

"Yes, Mama." I said.

They walked and headed towards the control room that Papa was always in with Mama watching over everyone.

The door opened up and we went inside. Papa turned and sat in his seat with Mama beside him and me in front of them.

"You were told to come immediately after the adults told you, but you decided to go with Code 002 and 9'a. You should be obidient and listen unless you want to go back to the lab." He told me with a harsh tone.

"N-no Papa. I am sorry for not obeying as I should." I told him.

"Good, now we must talk about your little injury." He told me.

9'a and Zero Two's POV

*Sighs* "My dear lovely is such a wonderful being! Being around her makes me get this strange feeling in my heart, but I don't really know what it is." Said 9'a yapping off to Zero Two.

"Yeah, she does doesn't she. She truly is an amazing friend and teammate to have around." Zero Two says.

"She is truly an important person to all of us. I wonder if she ever thinks of me. Maybe that I am better then you probably. Hahaha!" Says 9'a.

"WHAT! YOU BETTER THAN ME, HA! There is no way she thinks you are better than me!" Says Zero Two yelling.

Then another standoff began with Zero Two yelling at 9'a and then back at her again. The standoff ended when they heard two adults talking about Code Zero. They went behind a wall, but couldn't here what they were saying. So they quietly walked closer to them talking.

"You know, I heard that Code 000 is supposedly going to be used as a weapon." Said adult #1

"Really? Everyone says that she also has strange powers to use them however she likes on whatever she wants and that she also is an extremely fragile thing to lose." Adult #2 said.

"Hmm, who knows I guess we will just have to see if all that really is true from Papa and Mama." Said Adult #1.

Zero Two walked back and so did 9'a. They stepped back and then came a screach from the floor. The two adults turned and walked towards the sound. They turned the corner to see who ot was, but no one was there. They walked away and went to their new location to guard. Zero Two and 9'a were hiding behind the other wall that they first came from. They both ran the other direction and quickly went back to the merting room.

"S-she's a w-weapon?! That can't be true!" Said 9'a.

"So her powers really can do more than just heal. She can't be used as a weapon! I won't let that happen!" Said Zero Two in anger.

She began to storm off to yell at Papa and Mama, but 9'a stopped her. She turned and saw him holding her arm back and brgan telling her all the things that could happen.

"If you do that, we might not get to see Code Zero again or she would be moved to a new plantation. I know I wouldn't want that and I know you don't want that. Please don't let her be taken from us." He said pleading.

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