Chapter 13 - Code 016

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Once I had arrived on the ship, Dr. Franxx was sitting in the seat in front of me and the guards had stayed behind at the 9th Plantation because we would meet other guards at Plantation 13. As we lifted off, I looked down on the 9th Plantation and looked at the dorms, Papa and Mama's place, and the forest. I was looking around when I saw something quite far away. A shining light coming from a mirror in someone's hand. It was 9'a looking up at the sky waving. It seemed like he was waving at me somehow. I began to return the wave to him. He smiled once he saw me waving. He waved with both of his hands and then I began to laugh to myself. I placed my hand on the window and he noticed this too, so he grabbed something from his pocket and waved it around. It was a Gardenia. I felt a small pain in my chest that I still could not understand but I know that I will be back to them all.

The ship began to turn and I lost sight of 9'a. I sighed and then grabbed my drawing book and I drew 9'a saying goodbye to me. Little did I know, what was going on down below before and after I left.

9'alpha's POV

I was looking for Code Zero after going to Papa and Mama and asking for her. They said she was gone. To be frank, I thought they meant she had disappeared, but it wasn't the case. They said she was going to be going on a mission alone and wouldn't be back for a long time. I quickly excused myself and ran around the 9th Plantation. I was beginning to give up until I saw Code Zero walking towards a ship. She looked back once and then continued onward. I looked around and saw a ledge that I knew Code Zero would be able to see. I ran to my room and grabbed a mirror and the Gardenia that sat in the vase of water and quickly ran back to where the ledge was. I went through the doors that led outside and stood up on the ledge. I began to use the mirror and shined the light from the sky. I learned this from a book I had gotten when Papa and Mama gave out the gifts to us all. I shined the light on the window of the aircraft and I could see Code Zero. I kept shining it towards tbe eindow until she saw me. She looked at me with shock and then I began to wave my hand goodbye. She smilec and then I pulled a Gardenia flower from my pocket and showed it to her. I waved my hands around and smiled. She waved and the laughed at me. The ship turned and I couldn't see her anymore. I dropped my head down and tried to smile. It would be a long time until I saw her again, I felt for sure.

End of 9'alpha's POV

The ride to Plantation 13 was a long one but I got to learn of all the things that go on at Plantation 13. Dr. Franxx says those who live on Plantation 13 call it the "birdcage". I was wondering why it was called that, but kept all my questiona about it to myself. I thought about asking Dr. Franxx who the boy that I would be meeting is.

"Um.. Excuse me..uh.. Dr. Franxx?" I said to get his attention.

"Yes, Code 000?" He asked me.

"I was wondering.. Who is the boy that you all wnat me to meet? Why must I if I may ask?" I asked.

"You will be working with a boy from Plantation 13, who's Code is Code 016. The reasons that you both will be meeting is because he is a prodigy on his plantation. Papa and Mama both asked me to take you to him because you are their supposed prodigy. And they think that is you both work together you both could get stronger together when it comes to battling in the Franxx." He explained to me.

"Oh that does make sense." I said to him sighing.

Awhile later...

We had finally arrived to Plantation 13 or the "birdcage". I put my jacket back on and my hat. I stood up and followed Dr. Franxx to the platforms.

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