Chapter 1 - Destined Meeting

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Papa and Mama came to me today and said I was going to join a team called the 9's and we were going to help the world. I had never been outside of this place that Papa and Mama had put me in. I was going to meet a group of people who would become not only my team but also my friends. I knew my role that Papa and Mama gave me and I swore I wasn't going to let them down. They gave me a uniform and it was black. I saw they had given the 9's, as Papa called them, white ones. I wondered why but I didn't ask. I got dressed in my uniform and got ready for the team to meet. I was the first code that had no numbers, except for all zero's. I was given these numbers well because Papa and Mama said it fit me. I wondered why I wasn't zero one, but I assumed that there already was a zero one on the 9's team. I left the room with my new uniform and met up with Papa and Mama. When I walked out there was a girl I had never seen before. She had pink hair and red horns. She looked very angry, but calm. She had a red uniform on with a white coat on top. I sensed she was just like me and somehow I knew her but I didn't know for sure. Papa and Mama sent us both with guards who led us down to the lower level of this place. I said goodbye to them and left.

The guards walked us both towards a room and left us in there. Another door opened up and we both went through. There was a group of other children, or codes as Papa and Mama say, standing in different parts of the room waiting for something or someone. They all looked very young but we all were the same. There was a 7 children and I was guessing that the pink haired girl was the 8th child and I was the 9th. We all were greeted by a man who had a stack of paper in his hands. He greeted us and told us we were the 9's. He then called up the blonde boy and told him to introduce himself.

The boy spoke and he said, "My code name is 9'a (9 alpha) and I am the leader of this team. I hope we can work well together." He said.

Then the man had called the next children up 003, 004, 005, and continued from there. Then came the pink haired girl. She introduced herself as Code 002. I had thought she was code 001 but then realized she wasn't. I wondered who that was but I didn't ask. Finally it was my turn. I stood up and walked to the platform. As I walked, I noticed that the blonde haired boy never took his eyes off of me. He seemed mesmerized by me or something. I didn't quite know but I ignored it. I spoke and introduced myself.

"My name is Code 000. I hope we all can get along." I said.

Everyone looked astonished that my Code was all 0's, but I ignored that fact and continued on my way. The blonde boy smiled and continued to watch me after I walked down the platform and back to my seat. I wondered what he smiled about but Papa and Mama told me to not worry about unimportant things and focus on my mission. The man had given us our first mission. He told us that some of us were going to get partners and some wouldn't and we would also get our Franxx as well. I ended up being one who would pilot with someone. And that someone was the leader of this team, 9 alpha. He smiled at me and walked towards me. I was quite surprised by this but I couldn't complain about any of it. I had a mission and that was all that mattered. We then followed the man and went to another area of this building and got put in the Franxx that best suited us and our partners. Me and 9 alpha were put into the bigger Franxx which was called "Gardenia" and the leader and his partner used it. We both climbed inside and started up the Franxx. It turned on and we were each learning how to use it. The pink haired girl and her partner were immediatly able to use it. Me and 9 alpha were able to use it, but I could sense something odd about this Franxx. I could sense life but it felt as if it were locked away and kept hidden. I knew it had to mean something but I would ask Papa and Mama about it later.

We all finally learned how to use these Franxx. The man told us to take the Franxx to the arena and commence in battle againest our squad members. Me and 9'a were battling againest Codes 005 and 007. Before we began, we had to prep our selves. We disconnected from the Franxx and talked about our plan. We muted our voices so no one could hear.

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