Chapter 12 - Farewell

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It's been a couple of days since the 9's and I last piloted the FranXX. I hadn't gone down to them since. Occasionally, some of the 9's would come up and try to see me but Papa and Mama told them to leave immediately and that I was working on my work. I went out at least once or twice to check on and talk to Gin. He always made me smile and brought me snacks that Miss Amai had made. I hadn't heard from Zero Two at all since that day either. Papa and Mama said she was fine and she was reflecting on what she had done. I was assuming it had to do with her partner. He had been gone for a while, but no one really worried or thought of him. But I did. Even if we weren't close he was still my teammate.

I got up and began looking at my drawings and books. I grabbed one that I was working on to recreate an original that I remember reading from long ago somewhere. But I dont remember from where though. I ended up eating it in the end.

It told a story of a girl alone, wandering around looking for something. But she was never able to find it. But she did meet many people along the way. She always had this thing in her chest that was broken in half. I wondered what it was. It was a strange but fascinating thing. It grew and recuperated as she met these people. And one day she met the other half of it. They both helped her broken half in her chest grow. And meeting the others also made it become brighter. She found her missing piece that made her feel whole again. But then tragedy struck. Then the end of it was blank. I always wondered what happened. I don't know if I will ever know though.

I got up and but the hidden book in its hidden place and put everything else in its place. I got dressed in my uniform that Papa and Mama brought me. This one was different from the rest. It was still black but had an overcoat on top. I quickly put it all on and walked to Papa and Mama. Today I was going to the Lab to meet someone new. I didn't know who it was though. Papa and Mama gave me a bag filled with papers and a book. Then they called for two guards and a doctor.

"Code 000, you will be meeting a new Code you have never met before. You will be going to Plantation 13 called Mistilteinn. He is known to be a child prodigy there. You will be teaching him everything you know. He also has never met a 9's squad member. You will be accompanied by Two Guards and a Doctor. Plus your FranXX, Gardenia." Papa said to me.

"Gardenia? Why do I need to take Gardenia? And who is the Doctor accompanying me?" I asked politely.

"You and him will pilot it. And the Doctor who will go with you is Dr. Franxx." Mama said.

I turned to hear the doors opening and Dr. Franxx appearing. He walks towards me and greets me.

"Hello, Code Zero." He said.

"Hello, Dr. Franxx" I told him.

"You and this Code are both well-known prodigies in all the Plantations. I want to see how well you both work together." Papa said.

"You will be gone for at least one month. After your done, you will come back and help the 9's once again." Mama said.

'One month?! What about 9'a, Gin, and Zero Two?! And the mission that is in six days?!' I thought to myself.

"Is that clear Code 000?" Asked Papa.

"Yes, Sir." I told him.

"Now, take this bag and but you belongings in it. Don't forget anything. Dr. Franxx and the guards will wait down in the Franxx rooms. Now quickly, get everything ready." Said Mama.

I nodded and quickly went to my room. I got my belongings and everything else that I needed. I then was about to leave when I remember one thing that I was forgetting. My book and journal. I threw them in the bag and took one last look of my room. Then I left to head downstairs.

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