Chapter 17: The First Test

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(Day 3)
Dr. Franxx's POV

'These two children will be able to change history in their own way's as well as destroy it all with them. I wish you and your future squads the best, Code Zero and Hiro.' He thought to himself.


Code Zero, Hiro, and Dr. Franxx had finally reached the Franxx. Dr. Franxx turned around and faced Code Zero and Hiro. They both looked at him in question.

"What is it Dr. Franxx?" Code Zero asked.

He took something out of his pocket, which was the thing he left for. Two small and identical keys that were the shape of a necklace.

"These two things are for the both of you. It tracks how well you each are doing whenever it is in contact with you. It will make my job a bit easier to figure out how to make you both the strongest prodigies this world has ever seen." He said handing the two key necklaces to each of us.

We looked at them and then at each other. We smiled with reassurance and put them on. They immediately beeped and blinked red. We gazed at them watching the color blink, off and on.

"It will also let you both know when your near by or if one of you is in trouble whenever that may happen." He added on.

"Wow! These are amazing, Dr. Franxx!" Code Zero said.

"Yeah, sir! They are great! Thank you!" Hiro said.

"Your welcome, children." He chuckled. "Now let's get started with the tests and see what you both need to work on." He said.

"Yes, sir!" We both said.

We walked and ended up in front of a covered up Franxx. Dr. Franxx then pushed a button and the tarp fell off of the Franxx. I opened my my eyes big and then smiled.

'Gardenia' I thought to my self.

I stood in front of it looking at it and remembering 9'alpha and our time together with Gardenia. I then heard Hiro gasp in shock and amazement.

"Wow! That's an amazing Franxx!" He said, clearly in utter shock and amazement.

"Thank you." I said, smiling.

He turned towards me really fast, which made me jump a little.

"T-this is your Franxx!?" He said in shock.

"Hehe! Yes!" I said.

He turned around and looked back at it and then he said something about it.

"It's beautiful. It really suits you." He said.

I smiled and then nodded.

"Well, from today and however long it is, it will be ours." I told him.

He smiled.

"I never thought I would be able to ride in such a grand Franxx." He said.

"Well, shall we?" I asked him, pointing at Gardenia.

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