Chapter 10 - My Fears Begin

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I awaken with a bit of sunlight that appeared through the tiny window in my small room. I sat up and realized that it wasn't all a dream. Papa and Mama did give me my last chance to improve myself and learn to focus on missions and myself only. It would be best if I listened to them and not disobeyed them again for the rest of my life now.

I got up and stretched. I grabbed my uniform and went to bathe. I then got dressed and brushed my teeth. I noticed something different about my appearance though. I stared at my reflection in the mirror and saw my teeth. They were..they were beginning to sharpen.

"Huh?! N-no this can't be happening! Its because of.. It's starting again..." I whimpered.

I knew what this meant if Papa and Mama found out. They would remove me from the 9's and train me for a long time all over again to become human. Or worse.

"I'm going back to the lab." I said to myself.

I quickly got dressed and left the bathroom. Papa and Mama must have left to a meeting because when I walked past the camera room they weren't there. It gave me enough time to run to the lab. I left and quickly went through security. I headed to the far East of the building. There I saw all the labs with many other children like me being taught or worked with for when they get to my age to pilot a FranXX. I continued past and turned a corner. There I bumped into an unidentified person. I fell back and so did they. I sat up and rubbed my head. It was an Adult. But I had never seen him before. He sat up and looked at me curiously, but cautiously. He drop many of his papers because of me. I quickly went to pick them up. While I was doing so, I noticed something odd about him. His arm and part of his face were gone. It was covered with a robotic arm and metal. I diverted my eyes and continued to pick up the papers. I then helped him up and handed his papers back to him.

"I-I am very sorry Sir. It was my fault. I shouldn't have been running in the first place." I told him bowing.

He just stood there and then I heard a small laugh come from him. I looked up and he stopped.

"It's alright. What is your identification Code, if I may ask?" He asked me.

I stood up straight and told him my Code.

"I am Code 000. And I am on the 9's squad." I told him politely.

He stood there astonished. I was confused as to why but didn't ask because it was disrespectful to do so.

Doctor Franxx's POV

'Code 000?! I never even knew that there was one. She must be the secret weapon the Council spoke of earlier.' He thought to himself.

End of Doctor Franxx's POV

"And what was the reason for you running around." He asked me.

I stood there sweat-dropping. I can't tell him specifically, but I can say a small part of it.

"I am heading to the Lab, Sir." I told him.

"And what is the rush?" He asked.

"I can...can't tell you that Sir. I am sorry" I told him.

He looked up and then stood there in deep thought. He then began to speak again.

"I can assist you with what you need. I am assuming the Council, Papa and Mama, do not know that you are going to the Lab. Correct?" He said.

I stood there in shock when he knew exactly that I hadn't told anyone.

"That's what I thought. I will help you and I will not tell them what you were doing. Is that alright with you?" He asked.

"Yes Sir." I told him.

"Good, now follow me." He said

He lead me to the Lab but it wasn't the Lab that I always had gone to. It was quite smaller but I felt a lot safer than in the big Lab with all the other Adults.

He told me to sit on the table and tell him what is going on.

"So what did you need from the Lab?" He asked me.

I opened my mouth and showed him the four teeth that were becoming sharp. He looked carefully at them and then asked me something.

"Why exactly do you need them to be taken care of?" He asked.

"I need to be human, not a monster. I can't be a monster. " I told him.

Papa and Mama always told me to become human, not to become a monster.

He stood there in silence and then sighed and walked over to one of the drawers. He grabbed a file and a syringe.

"You may choose the best route. I recommend the file. It's the less painful." He said.

I look at both and took the file. He took it and began to make my teeth become normal again. Once he was done he lead me to a mirror. I looked at my teeth and the fangs were gone. I smiled and sighed in relief. I turned to face the man.

"Thank umm.. Sir..?" I began but was cut off.

"Dr. Franxx." He said.

"Thank you Dr. Franxx. " I told him.

"Will they come back?" I asked him.

"That all depends on you Code 000." He said to me.

I stood there in thought and then remembered I had to go to see Souji to get the mission for the next few days.

"And will you please not tell Papa and Mama about this. I don't want problems to arise." I told him.

"I promise you that I won't tell a soul. Now go to where you actually need to be." He said.

"Right! Goodbye Dr. Franxx anf thank you again." I said quickly running off.

Doctor Franxx's POV

'Hmm. So that's the secret weapon. She doesn't seem special besides that fact that she keeps her monstrous side hidden. We will see where you will take us, Code Zero.' He thought to himself chuckling.

End of Doctor Franxx's POV

I quickly walked to the meeting room and sat down. I sat far away from the other 9's remembering my mission. I sat there expressionless. The missions giver, Souji, walked in and began to give us our missions. I looked around and couldn't find Zeeo Two. Everybody else was there but she wasn't. I sat there wondering why Souji or anybody else for that matter haven't asked where Zero Two was at. I began to worry that something bad may have happened to her.

'Where are you Zero Two?!' I thought to myself.


End of Chapter 10.

Finally Code Zero has met Dr. Franxx. What do you think he will do and what happened to Zero Two? Tune in next time in DITF: Code Zero.

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