Chapter 15: I'm Sorry

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"Heh..heh.. haha.. I found you. You won't be ready for what'll happen to you next intruder including you Zero Two. Only time will tell what happens to you both and it'll probably be the best thing to happen for Code Zero's sake. Hahahaha!" He said laughing, walking into the 9th plantation.


9'alpha walked began walking back with his eyes closed slightly and a few seconds later he sensed something and then he spoke.

"I know your all there, come on out." He said to the hidden group.

They all walked out from their hiding places and stood in line in front of him.

"Hello, 9's." He said opening his eyes.

"Hello, 9'alpha sir." They all said in unison.

"I assume you all heard everything that just happened, correct?" He said.

Code 007 spoke first.

"We only heard part of the middle and the end, sir." He said.

9'alpha smiled and then he spoke.

"For now, we won't say anything till Code Zero returns. Once she returns, we can catch that intruder and bring him back to Papa and Mama once again. And we will make it seem like Zero Two did it all by herself." He said smiling.

They all smiled and agreed with him. They then all walked back inside to the dorms including 9'alpha.

'Soon it will end for you Code 002.' 9'alpha thought to himself.

Somewhere else, far from the 9th dormitory...

Zero Two's POV

Gin was quickly jumping from tree to tree and then he stopped at an opening in the glass that led to the 9th Plantation's home to the Adults. He put me down and he went through the opening first. He then opened his hand out to me and I crawled through. When I looked where he was standing, it was a small and thin ledge. When I looked down, it was a very steep cliff that led to the Adults home's.

I had the look of fear on my face. I looked up at Gin and he just stood there smiling at me. I sweat dropped and took his hand and he helped me up.

"Don't worry Zero Two, I won't drop you, I promise." He said smiling.

'I promise, is what Code Zero said to me when she saved me the very first time.' Zero Two thought to herself. 'Your just like her Gin.'

I smiled and he then picked me up.

"Don't look down and close your eyes if you want, Zero Two. Oh and also hold on tight!" Gin said.

I nodded and closed my eyes, then I held on tight to him. A few seconds later, I felt that he had just jumped. I opened my eyes a tiny bit and saw what he was doing. I looked up and saw the ledge above us. I was surprised that he actually jumped off. I looked around with my hair flying upwards and saw the beautiful city of the Adults.

"Wow!" I said to myself.

I heard Gin laugh and then say something to me.

"It really is amazing isn't it." He said.

"Yes It is. Did Code Zero ever go here with you?" I asked.

"Yes, once. A while ago when you were first locked away. She came to the hideout crying and blaming herself for something. I asked what was wrong and she said that it was her fault that you were locked away and that she may not ever see you again. So I took her to my favorite place to go, which is where you will be going for a little bit and then I will return you to that dorm place." He said while jumping from building to building.

I wondered where this place that he was taking me to was, but so I waited till we got there to see what it was.

A few minutes passed and Gin stopped at the very edge of the Plantation. He put me down and grabbed something that was in his pocket. What he pulled out was odd.

"Two socks?" I questioned.

"It may look like that now, but just wait till it changes." He said.

I looked at him questionably and he just laughed. He handed me the sock and then touched it. It then lit up blue and sparkled like the stars and it became a cloak.

I was astonished by this. It's just like Code Zero.

He then did the same to the other sock and then he said to put on the cloak. I did as he said and then he picked me up once more and jumped to the ground. He did a special knock on the door and then it opened. It revealed an older woman, who saw me and Gin and then she had a look of shock.

"Hi, Miss Amai. Sorry to come back so soon." He said.

"Oh it's quite alright Gin. Just come on both of you, quickly." She said.

A few minutes after entering...

"So what exactly happened to get you to bring back this girl named Zero Two, to our home?" Asked Miss Amai.

Gin was about to start talking when I cut him off.

"It was my fault, Miss Amai. I didn't realize that I was being followed by anyone and I decided to go to the hidden hideout Code Zero had created for me to hide in and for Gin to stay in. That's when my team leader 9'alpha came out and said things that made no sense to me but would make Code Zero believe that I am the one at fault for everything. He also saw Gin, who happened to save me before 9'alpha could badly injure me." Zero Two said.

Miss Amai looked at Gin very intensely and he had been drinking water but sweat was forming on his forehead, which was rolling down his head while he was looking around, avoiding Miss Amai's gaze.

(Sort of like this)

(Sort of like this)

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"Gin." She said with a deep breath.

"Y-Yes Miss Amai?" He said.

"WHAT HAVE I TOLD YOU ABOUT BEING SEEN BY OTHERS! And now Gin. What are we going to do when they find you! I don't care what happens to me as long as your safe, but now they are going to take you away from me and you will never see me again. Your all I have Gin." Miss Amai said looking at Gin, holding back her tears.

Gin looked up at Miss Amai and then walked over to her.

"I'm sorry Miss Amai." Gin whispered to Miss Amai.

End of chapter 15: "I'm sorry"

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