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"We're basically trained to protect the border around British Columbia from non-Immune intruders and whatnot," Minho explained to Thomas as they walked down the streets. Thomas made notice of how many people smiled and greeted them as they passed by. It was something so peculiar to him; people were actually happy? He never knew such a world.
Minho continued talking about his soon-to-be job. "I'm pumped about it. Can't wait to train."
"How long does the training take?" Thomas asked, genuinely curious.
Minho shrugged, "Ah, six to eight months. But there's a lot of levels you have to pass. Hopefully I won't be a rookie for too long."

Thomas thought back to the guards at AFA. Captain Orders and the rest of his ginormous squad. They were probably the best of the best, and suddenly Thomas could picture Minho as one of those guards protecting AFA so well that he had to shake his head of that thought. Minho pointed ahead of him as they passed by a hat shop. "The station's right up there. Let's go take a look."
Even from a distance, Thomas could make out the vast building erected in the center of the taxi-packed street. It was large enough to house a good portion of AFA's property, and it stood out like a monochromatic beacon.

After a couple minutes of walking and waiting to cross the various intersections, Minho and Thomas were in front of the British Columbia Enforcement Center. It was an industrial style warehouse with added archways and textiles to make it appear more . . . friendly? Enforcement vehicles crowded the front of the building, each of them labeled with different numbers. Menacing guards strode past the place like they owned it, nodding at their fellow guards as they passed each other. Thomas felt intimidated. Even Minho appeared slightly humbled. Until he spotted a small group of men huddled around the concrete tables outside the entrance doors.
They all had an exact replica of Minho's build: stocky, muscular; visibly strong.

Minho called them out instantly. They returned the favor, waving. One saluted at Minho, another hollered a phrase that Thomas didn't understand. Minho replied with the same phrase, then leaned into Thomas to clarify his confusion, "That's our enforcement code. Beats Glader slang doesn't it?"
Thomas didn't know how to respond. They continued past the broad Enforcement Center.
"Well, we've passed by a lot of shops. Anything you're interested in?" Minho asked as they waited at an intersection. Somehow Thomas wasn't feeling anything. Not even the slightest interest. Nothing.
"I . . . No, I guess not."
Minho was dumbfounded. "No? You're telling me you didn't like anything?"

"That's right."
"C'mon shank, you gotta wake up."
"Wake up?" Thomas was taken aback. "I haven't had time to wake up, Minho. I'm not ready. And I don't care what you think."
"Bet you care what May thinks," Minho mumbled under his breath, earning a glare from Thomas. "This is the new life now. It's time you start embracing it."
Thomas remained silent, fighting the urge to lash out at his friend. He was slumped, and there was nothing he could do to wake up, as Minho had put it. It was finally their time to walk, and Thomas was glad for it.

Suddenly, Thomas's attention was captured by a building in the distance. It stretched out in a circular fashion, almost like a giant metallic dome. It glinted with brilliant sunlight, and Thomas couldn't bring himself to look away from it. He cut off Minho's lecturing mid-sentence. "What is that?" He asked pointedly.
Minho just rolled his eyes. "Who knows."
"Let's find out."
They approached the building and Thomas could finally tell it was a stadium. Rusted and worn from the weather; Thomas guessed it must have stood there for years--maybe even before the Flare. As he walked closer to the building he heard roaring and applause muffled by the exterior walls, but still audible. Curiosity struck him.

"Well, what is it?" Minho asked, more enthusiastic than before.
"It's some kind of sports stadium."
"Thanks, Sherlock. I meant what sport?"
Thomas was close enough to touch the cool metallic walls that stretched several hundred feet above him. A poster, its ink faded, answered their question:

Welcome to the The City Baseball Stadium. Games Are Held All Day Every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Let's Play Ball!

"It's a baseball stadium," Thomas said, suddenly thrilled. More than he had been in a while. Baseball--he fondly remembered the small snippet of his past with his father playing baseball together, even despite the devastation. Thomas had nearly forgotten that baseball existed.

"Let's go watch. Come on," he exclaimed. Minho stayed put.
"Shank, we're looking for a job for you. Unless you plan on becoming a baseball player."
"Well," Thomas contemplated, "I could."
Minho snorted. "C'mon, I'm sure they already have enough players. And do you even know how to play?"
Thomas finally gave up; it had been a long time since he played baseball--let alone any sport. "Fine, but I do want to watch a game sometime."
"Knock yourself out."

They walked away as another explosion of cheers erupted inside the stadium. Thomas aching inside to watch the game. But he promised himself he would come back.


By the time Minho and Thomas returned to the City Sanctuary it was afternoon. Minho collected six job applications for Thomas at retail stores and restaurants--nothing that Thomas was really into, but he appreciated his friend for helping.
After using the restroom, Thomas sat in his bunk, mildly exhausted. His thoughts went back to the baseball game he'd discovered earlier that day and how badly he wanted to go. A thought sprang up inside him just then, and he was surprised he hadn't thought of it before. He had the perfect person to go with to the game that night.

Thomas made his way to the third floor, hoping with everything inside him to see her--May. After passing by several bunks of girls who eyed him questioningly, Thomas found her talking with another girl who Thomas guessed was her bunk partner. Her eyes lit up immediately, Thomas couldn't have mistook that.
"Hey," he said once he was standing right in front of May. Her friend excused herself. "Are you busy?"
May seemed genuinely curious. "No, I haven't been all day. Why?"
Thomas had the urge to wring his hands. She definitely made him jitter. "I was wondering if you'd like to come, uh, with me to a baseball game--tonight. Soon actually."

May had a visible grin on her face. Was she enjoying his nervousness? Thomas thought so.
"Sure, that sounds great."
"Really? Great." He had no idea how relieved he would actually be. May slid off her bunk and nodded at him.
"I'm ready to go when you are."
Again, another surprise. "Awesome. Let's go then."

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