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Thomas didn't realize he was holding his breath, his heart pounding inside of him, vibrating his entire body. He was nervous. The very thought of sharing such an intimate space with such an enticing woman--he didn't even know what to say when he walked into the bedroom. Though of course, he'd take it easy, play it cool--pretend like he'd been that close to a girl before. Pretend he had shared a bed with a girl before. It was an elating, odd mixture of feelings. 

Thomas slid in bed, pulled the covers over his knees. May was still sitting up, resting against the bed frame. She gave him a gentle smile, relaxing his nerves. There was no denying the gravitating energy she brought out inside of him; it was something he hadn't felt before. He smiled back, completely entranced in her beauty. Yet again. "T--thank you for everything," he stammered, chagrined. May just smiled back, patient.
"Of course, Thomas."
He felt like his message hadn't been conveyed correctly. Thomas mustered his gratitude, hoping it would be visible through his eyes. "No, I mean everything. Today's been crazy, and you made it, well, completely better."

"That's what I was hoping for," her smile grew wider, enhancing her delicate dimples, "I'm sorry about today. The media's insatiable at first, but, I know it will clear up."
"Yeah, you're right." Thomas could already feel May's body warmth permeating him, warming his core, evoking an unknown bliss. 
"Good night, Thomas," May said, leaning in to kiss him on the cheek. That gentle brush of her lips was so invigorating, Thomas's thoughts of sleep were discontinued. It was as if he had been woken up with a blast of freezing water; revitalized. And all so suddenly, Thomas didn't want to go to sleep. He didn't want to pretend. He didn't want to hold back his emotions. 

"May," he said, his voice a yearning whisper. She turned back, fingers about to turn the lamp light off, when Thomas shocked his own self by leaning into her, kissing at her lips.
It was all so fast, all so muddled together in the most euphoric way. Breathy kissing resonated, passion on passion, without any hindrance or restraint. Thomas was so encapsulated in the excitement of it all. Chills overtook him. He forgot everything he had ever been through, every ounce of despise he felt for the world--it was drowned out in May's presence. Thomas's imagination ran wild with beautiful thoughts of May, but none of them could compare to the reality of kissing her, alone in his bedroom, feeling the pure bliss that blinded him entirely. All he could think of, all he could comprehend was her: that precious body, that gift of swimming vigor, that soft skin that grew softer the more he touched.

May smiled whilst kissing him, her lips making passionate love. Her hands trailed down from his neck and to his waist where she began to lift his shirt comfortably under her fingers, running them along his back. The chills increased now. His body began to elevate with passion as May's hands wrapped around his neck, sending electric chills vibrating throughout his spine. Butterflies sprang free from their cocoons inside his stomach. Her light, pillow-like lips were sent onto his--like electrifying cushions of bliss. Thomas tilted himself forward into her, murmuring involuntarily. "You're so beautiful, May. . ."
May broke away, eyes glistening with adornment. "And you, Thomas, you're amazing."

She took his hand from her waist, and placed it delicately underneath her shirt, dipping her head in a manner that granted his permission. Thomas's hands trembled, feeling the soft, sloping tissue of her bare chest. Plush, soft as satin, as tender as a pillowcase of feathers.
May's shirt was removed within seconds. Abdomen in the flesh, tan and smooth. Thomas's breath hitched. Had he ever seen so much of a woman? Had he ever been so hypnotized by the beauty? He was lost in the urging, pulsing desire to explore, curiosity raging.
His taste buds had been craving her taste, to love and cherish every moment they two shared together, body connected to body, with every arousing push and pull. Every movement, every beat and pulse of their alight hearts. The incredible heat. The unsurpassable love.

Fearing of the unknown, of the complexities of a woman, the complexities of love, he pushed everything past him. Everything was eliminated from his mind that did not pertain to May, to their moment. Consent further prompted Thomas to consummate their relationship.  
Thomas gave her everything: his mind, his body--his whole world--and the ability to destroy him. And the ecstasy of that action engulfed his entire soul. 


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Thomas awoke to May. He had breathed her in all night, now caressing his body against hers. He could have stayed all day like that, his skin against hers, swaddled in the bedsheets, like some kind of heavenly cocoon. The direct body warmth from the two of them was gratifying. He absolutely wanted nothing more in life, as long as he laid beside May. Just laying together--it was enough, more than enough. 
He felt her bare abdomen muscles contracting, her fingers gingerly unravelling from where they had been curled around his arm. She was waking up, too. Thomas fondled her hair, brushing it past her ear, watching as her eyes began to move behind their lids. Love. He was so in love. He had fallen--fallen all the way off of the very mountain he'd climbed up to get to this new horizon. And there was no denying it. 

Thomas gingerly kissed the side of May's face. She had stirred awake now. The sunlight that creaked its way into the slits in the blinds shone on her hazel eyes, like a ray purposefully there to enhance the warm tones of light brown and rich green of her irises. May's soft fingers caressed his face. She murmured and it came out in a soft croak. "Hi, there."
Her touch ignited the wonderful collection of the last night's memories, which Thomas swore that he would never forget--could never forget. 
"Hey, how are you feeling?"
May smiled, filling him with even more warmth. "Wonderful. You?"

The phone rang, sending a jolt of surprise through Thomas, jogging his memory of the day before when the media and press existed, when they were banging at his door, plastering his face all over the screens. 
May seemed to have read his mind. "It's not them again, is it?"
Thomas shook his head, sincerely hoping it wasn't. But he could never be too sure. He grabbed May's hand, put it to his lips and kissed it, ignoring the ringing phone. "Even if it is, we can always ignore them."
"Thomas?" The phone had gone to voicemail, and he turned towards the voice, its tone clear and stern. Doctor Owens. 

Thomas reached for the phone before Owens could finish her sentence. AFA, he'd completely forgotten. Since he'd been with May, it seemed he forgot all of reality. "Doctor, hi--I'm sorry, I--"
"Don't apologize, Thomas. I just called to see how you were, you know, after yesterday," she paused, taking her time to speak, clearly exhausted. "How are you?"
"I'm--I'm great--good. Yeah, I'm doing all right."
Owens laughed, a quick puff of air. "Good. I just wanted to deeply apologize about everything. You did everything you could to calm down the scenario, and you did well."
"Do you need me to come in?" Thomas asked, though all he wanted was to stay beside May.

"No, in fact, I also called to let you know, take as much time as you need. Please."
Thomas was relieved. "Okay, thank you. I appreciate that, Doctor."
He hung up the phone after Owens wished him well. May was quick to ask him what happened, and as Thomas explained, another phone call began ringing. They both ignored it, more caught up in each other than anyone on the other side of the line. That was until it went to voicemail again. 
"Slinthead," the caller spoke, "I swear I'm giving you to the end of this voicemail and if you don't pick up I'm gonna give you the worst black eye when I see you in person."
Great, Thomas thought, jolting forward towards the phone. He picked it up, feeling a smile involuntarily form, "Just the person I wanted to talk to."


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