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The taxi came to a stop in front of the City Sanctuary. From outside, the hostel was as wide as three buildings sandwiched together, stacked vertically and horizontally.
After thanking the taxi driver, Thomas stepped out of the taxi and followed May into the building. Once inside, he was hit with the essence of alcohol, as if it had absorbed into the building's walls. 
A male in his twenties, Thomas guessed, stood at the front desk. Tattoos covered the expanse of his arms and neck in a way that looked more littered than artistic. 

"Welcome to Safe Sanctuary. You two staying or visiting?" The tattooed man asked.
Thomas couldn't help but glance at his bulky biceps. "Staying, actually. We, uh, need a room."
"You mean a bunk? We don't have separate rooms ya know. This ain't the Hilltop."
"Well, not the same bunk . . . Unless one of us is on the top," Thomas replied, feeling his face redden. The tattooed man just stared. May cleared her throat. "Sure, we'll take a bunk."
The man nodded, typing aggressively on the keyboard. He perused the computer then turned to Thomas and May. "Don't know if I can get you two on the same floor, though--we're jam-packed. Is that a problem? You'll just hafta' wait a couple days til' something opens up."

"No, that's alright, we'll take different floors. Thank you." May answered, nodding at Thomas.
"Okay, then. Your name?"
"Thomas and May." Thomas said, watching as the man's eyebrows scrunched together, expecting more.
"Last name?"
Thomas fumbled with what to say--he had no idea what his real last name was, or even his real first name. May seemed to catch on. She cleared her throat and nodded at the Tattoo Man. "Easton."

"Oh, married are ya? Congrats on the honeymoon. Here--" the man said, cutting off Thomas's objection, handing him two small plastic bags-- "most of it is reused. 'Cept a couple things, you'll see. Floor two has one vacancy, and three has another, so decide which ya want. And take those stairs to your left. Elevator's been down for a while now."
"Thank you." May said, then took Thomas's arm. He sighed, feeling suddenly anxious as they walked away from the front desk and into the dimly lit staircase. The barely-noticeable light flickered off and on like it was near the brink of death.

"Your last name is Easton?" Thomas asked May as they climbed up the long, narrow staircase, stopping to press themselves against the wall as others descended.
May nodded, and Thomas realized how stupid that question was. "May Augusta Easton."
"That's a great full name." He replied as they passed the first floor, which was nothing more than what looked to be at least a hundred bunk beds lined up against the walls and center of the gigantic room. Tattered sheets hung over the bunk bed railings, and clothes scattered the floor.
"So you really don't remember your last name? Not even a little?" May asked, her voice mildly apprehensive. 

"Not at all. Not even my middle name."
The stairs to the second floor creaked even louder. It made Thomas think of a haunted house from some movie he saw in one of his dreams.
"Well, I'll let you borrow my name," May chuckled, looking up to meet Thomas's eyes, "for our 'honeymoon'."
Before Thomas could think of a reply, they stepped onto the second floor room.
"Should we look for your friends first?" May asked, but Thomas was already scanning the vast floor. Bunk beds were everywhere. People--young and old--were everywhere.

"See them yet?" She asked again. Thomas shook his head. It was impossible to tell from where they stood. "Let's look around a bit. You can take the bunk on this floor by the way."
"Sure," May shrugged, then outstretched her hand. "Here, so we don't get lost."
Thomas took her hand, relieved. They began walking, taking tentative steps, looking both directions. Thomas felt in his gut that one of his friends was on this floor. Conversations slurred all together and he wondered if anyone would be able to hear him over the chit chat.

Thomas suddenly whipped around, whipping May along with him. The voice came from his right. It had to be Minho. He knew that voice.
"Thomas, ya shank?" The voice said again. Thomas nodded to himself--it was definitely Minho.
"Minho, where are you?" He called, feeling a tinge of embarrassment for calling out to someone he couldn't see.
"Over here, shuck-face!" Minho yelled back. Thomas had no idea.
"There," May was pointing to the corner. Minho's arms were waving around above his head. Thomas sighed in relief.

Minho met Thomas and May halfway. They stood right next to some girl's bunk who eyed them the entire time, but Thomas didn't care. Minho immediately slapped him on the back as they hugged. It was joyous to be reunited with his friend. "The prodigal son returns. I can't believe you came back."
"I'm a man of my word." Minho pulled away, and Thomas watched as his eyes fell on May.
"Oh--this is May. May, uh, Easton."
"Never met a person whose last name is 'Uh'." Minho snickered, lending a hand that May shook.
"Just a joke man," Minho said once he noticed Thomas's visible embarrassment. "How did you two meet--" his voice suddenly stopped; a realization came to his mind-- "wait, are you the girl who made Thomas punch the lights out of that guard?"

Thomas was afraid May would be thrown off, but she laughed. "That's me."
"Thomas here talked a lot about you. I mean, a lot--"
"Minho," Thomas interjected, "where's everyone else?"
"Brenda's on the third floor, Sonya and Frypan are working. I think Aris is still sleeping," Minho jabbed a thumb over his shoulder towards another bunk in the distance. "Hey, come eat with us. Aris, Brenda, and I planned to go over and see Frypan at his fancy-smancy restaurant job. It's just down the street."
Despite the muffin Thomas had eaten at the cafe not too long ago, his stomach rumbled at the thought of more food. He and May took the offer gladly. 

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