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"I apologize for the misunderstanding regarding our guards," Doctor Wells continued, speaking with a conciliatory tone. "Thank you for cooperating with us. Don't worry about your friends over in Paradise, we will bring them in tomorrow morning, around eight." His smile grew wider, increasing the multitude of wrinkles that thrived on his face. But Thomas suddenly felt uneasy. Minho seemed to catch on just as fast. "Whoa there, how do you know about Paradise? None of us ever told you where we came from."

Doctor Wells nodded as if he'd expected that question. "I'm glad you asked. I'll keep it short and simple; WICKED knew about our association. They told us about how some of you would end up here. They knew all about British Columbia and its safety from the Flare. They gave up on their plan of harvesting Immunes and sent you to Canada, where you'd be able to live an actual life. I know it's a shock. I can't imagine what you feel like."
Thomas's head spun like it hadn't in ages. Like some kind of whirlwind twirling his brain around so fast that he could hardly speak. Brenda seemed to have no problem speaking, and her words came out harsher than Thomas had expected. "Were AFA and WICKED allies or something?"

Doctor Wells shook his head. His eyes were proof of how much disdain he had for WICKED. "Not at all. We're the good guys here. WICKED has been in competition with us. Though they gave up once they realized we were the ones working on a permanent cure that didn't involve harvesting human Immunes. We proved to them that stealing innocent lives for the greater good was illegitimate. That science and robotics prove a safer and more effective way to expel the Flare."
Thomas finally regained his witts. He sucked in a breath, then looked Wells in the eyes. "Are you the main doctor--the one that called for us to be brought here by your guards?"
Doctor Wells nodded. Honesty shone in his age-worn eyes. "Yes, I am. All of our doctors have known of you, Thomas."

All eyes dropped on Thomas. He didn't know what to say, what to do. Once again, how did Wells know his name? This was all getting harder to digest. "How? Was this some--"
"WICKED willingly gave you up and handed you all over to AFA after they realized they had failed. I suppose they did guess correctly when they said you would finally discover AFA," Doctor Wells explained, "they knew you would've found a way out of Paradise with all that ambition of yours, Thomas. That's why they've been counting on you this whole time."

The Final Candidate,
Thomas thought. Was this a part of it? The sign down in the Scorch that claimed he was the real leader. Had WICKED planned this out from day one? Had they really planned to kill off Thomas's friends: Chuck, Teresa, Newt--had they forced Thomas to bear the grief, pain, and hatred to just let him go in the long run? Fury burned down inside Thomas's chest, and the multitude of questions trapped inside of him tore at his heart.
"Well, I'm shucked." Minho said aloud. Thomas couldn't agree more. He was shucked.
"I understand you are all worn out from the events of today. I'll take you up to your room, just follow me." Doctor Wells concluded, then swiftly started walking, leaving them to follow after. Minho and Thomas exchanged a look of dubious confusion. What just happened? Thomas had no clue. He had no other choice but to follow the man in front of him.

Wells led them into an elevator lift which arrived at the seventeenth floor. That floor's hallway was broad and long, and never seemed to end. Beige walls entrapped them as they walked further down the carpeted halls. "We have fifteen floors used as rooms for our patients," Wells said, gesturing around at the place. "Think of it as a hotel, in a way. However, everyone is granted only one week to stay. After seven days, you will be asked to leave, so you can venture out into the cities beyond AFA and begin your new life. This is just a temporary stay for our patients to adjust their RBI's, with the exception of you kids--" he stopped abruptly at one of the doors-- "Ah, here it is."

Wells turned to Brenda suddenly, leaning into her ear, whispering something Thomas couldn't quite make out. Brenda exchanged a quick glance with Thomas, and his maddening curiosity was starting to make him fidget. Finally, Wells pulled away and nodded. He stuck a keycard inside a slot on the door and it opened automatically, sliding away just like the dormitory door had. "You have everything you'll need for tonight. Tomorrow someone will come up and deliver your new clothes," Doctor Wells said, then retracted another keycard, handing it to Thomas. "You kids look like you haven't had a decent meal in weeks. Make sure to call room service, just dial five . . . And enjoy the stay."

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