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Thomas watched, buzzing with excitement, as the onset of sunrise painted the atmosphere in a crisp golden yellow hue. He lost complete track of time, internally marinating in his vivid thoughts, daydreaming of every possibility and outcome of the world with a vaccine that would put an end to the Flare once and for all.
Thomas made his way back to the room in a daze, thinking and exploring all sorts of endless fantasies. And as he stood in front of the door to his room, an alarming realization came funneling through his thoughts--Minho and the others were surely awake by now; it had been almost two hours since he'd left. No--

Minho swung the door open before Thomas could fabricate a story. He jumped, mildly startled. Minho just laughed, shaking his head. "Where'd you go sneaking off to this early?"
"Everyone up's, shank. It's seven o' clock. We're supposed to leave at eight, remember?"
Thomas felt like kicking himself, then kicking himself again after that. He straightened from his slouch, catching Aris' eyes as he walked past them to the bathroom.
"I, uh . . . I went to see Doctor Owens."
Minho squinted, "Why?"

Thomas blew out a breath. There was no sense in keeping the news from his friends any longer. The secrecy act was over. "The cure," Thomas spoke, feeling that overpowering energy begin to flutter inside him again, "it's worked, Minho!"
Minho clapped a hand over Thomas's shoulder, eyes narrowing as he stared incredulously. "Really? Are you serious?"
Thomas nodded, becoming giddier with every passing second. "Isn't that amazing?"

"It's the best shucking news of the century." Minho's grin was wide and full of visible excitement, but his intuition read right through Thomas, as usual. "But what else?"
"What do you mean what else?"
"Thomas, I can read your eyes. You're hiding something."
Thomas finally nodded. "Minho, look, you're going to hate me for this but, I have to stay."
"What, as in stay behind?"
"Yeah." Thomas nodded, "For the cure, to figure out more about it. You know, see what happens."

Minho huffed, his expression emotionless. "But I thought you said it worked."
"It did, but it's not complete yet." Thomas replied, leaving May out of the equation. She was at least fifty percent of why he was staying. "I just want to be here when the cure's effect is one hundred percent confirmed."
"What's going on?" Brenda walked up to them, scrubbing her wet hair with a bath towel. She was fully dressed in AFA's brand new daily outfit. A questioning expression hung over her face as she scrunched her eyebrows together in confusion. "You're not coming with us?"
Thomas shook his head. "I can't--but I'll meet you guys there, at that hostel place. I promise."

"Fine," Minho said evenly, seemingly not thrilled, yet knowing there was not one thing he could do to convince his friend otherwise. "But we're going to the cafe before we leave and you better be there."
"Of course, I'm hungry."
Minho nodded, curt and decided. "Good that."


They all sat outside of the cafe at circular concrete tables. The air was brisk, slightly chilly, and the morning dew still beaded on the blades of grass beneath their feet. Sonya, Frypan, and Jorge had decided to join Minho, Brenda, and Aris on their quest to the city. Thomas picked silently at his almond croissant, pondering the choice he had decided on. Inside he knew that was the best option, and he would stick with it.
"Well, let's all say our sayonaras to Thomas and get this show on the road." Minho said. He stood, brushing the crumbs from his muffin off of his shirt.
They all huddled around Thomas as if this was the last time they'd see each other again. And Thomas sucked in a quick breath, wishing away his thoughts. Frypan was the first to step forward.

He hugged Thomas, patting him gently on the back. "See you later, man."
Thomas hugged back, "Definitely, Fry."
Aris was next, and after a quick goodbye, he and Sonya began walking off towards the towering iron doors that led out into the city. Thomas ached to follow them.
"Don't keep us waiting too long," Brenda chimed in. "You know I'll miss your daydreaming butt."
Thomas laughed, reaching out to embrace her when she wrapped her arms around his neck instead, drawing him into her. He felt the delicate brush of her lips against his cheek. They lingered there for what felt like only milliseconds before she pulled away. "Bye, Thomas."

Brenda's voice almost seemed . . . disappointed? It was as if she had expected him to kiss her, as if she had forgotten the reality of their relationship. For Thomas, the romance had fizzled out. But he couldn't deny he felt something, like a gnawing reminder of loss--what they used to be. "Bye." He cleared his throat, mustering up the will to act as if nothing had fazed him, which seemed to hurt Brenda even more. Before he could add anything else to soften the blow, Brenda was gone, meeting up with Aris and Sonya.
"What was that all about?" Minho blurted, arms folded. "What's with you two?"
"Nothing." Not anymore, anyways, Thomas deduced.
"Well, bye you shuck-face."

Thomas felt the urge to roll his eyes. "Gonna miss you, too."
Minho's aloof grin morphed into something of pure seriousness. "I seriously hope this cure is actually real--that these people aren't just lying to you, trying to play with your head."
Thomas hadn't considered that. He sincerely trusted--believed--in Doctor Owens. She wasn't lying, she couldn't have been. "Trust me, Minho, they aren't WICKED."
Minho searched his friend's eyes, shaking his head. "I hope you're right. I can't take any more games."
"It's not a game," Thomas said with full conviction. It just couldn't be. "Now, have fun out there. And in a couple days I'll join you. Promise."

Minho sucked his teeth. "Please, I don't need your shuck promises--" his expression morphed back into that characteristic grin of his-- "just give me a hug and let's get it over with."
They patted each other on the back for a few good solid seconds, then Minho was off. And Thomas watched, smiling to himself wistfully as Minho sprinted to meet with the others, never looking back, just like he had always done as a Runner when he'd enter the Maze--though this time he would be running through the doors of real adventure. A new world. A new horizon. And Thomas itched to follow them.

The New Horizon ~ A Maze Runner StoryWhere stories live. Discover now