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We are not WICKED. Then who were they? Thomas was losing patience waiting for an explanation and he seriously hoped that it wasn't all one big game.
Silence lapsed for a few painful seconds until Thomas's guard--the one he'd characteristically named Captain Orders--stepped forward, unfolding his arms. "I'm Lieutenant Smith. All of us are from the Canadian Marine Corps. We're involved in an organization called the Anti-Flare Association of British Columbia--AFA, for short--where you all are. This massive property is home to British Columbia's labs and hospitals where our doctors and scientists have created a first-ever way to expel the Flare virus for good."

"AFA uses high-tech robotics to transform an infectious brain into a healthy, robotic brain--unable to catch the nasty disease. It functions just as well as any normal human brain. They're called RBI's--robotic brain implants. And once the virus-infected portion of your brain--the killzone--is removed and replaced, the virus can no longer spread. Voila."
The room became uncomfortably quiet again, but this time Thomas's mind raged so loudly, it felt as if the room had erupted into chaos. His brain churned, tried to absorb every last detail from Captain Orders. He just couldn't apprehend the turn of events; it was beyond overwhelming. 

Aris's guard, with broad shoulders and creased eyebrows, took initiative before Thomas could gather the courage to speak. He had to start asking questions soon.
"To stop any possible threats of Cranks invading the British Colombian territory, officials encased a fifty mile radius of the province in a wall of iron--like what you all stumbled across. As a province we're almost bankrupt from it, but we're safe now."
Brenda cleared her throat and crossed her arms. A quizzical glint twinkled in her dark eyes. "So, what about those who aren't Immune and live in the other provinces? You gonna leave them to hang out with the Cranks past the Gone?"

Lieutenant Smith--Captain Orders, whatever his name was--shook his head curtly. "Every morning for an hour, AFA allows a certain number of people inside to receive their RBI. Because AFA is located on the border between Alaska and British Columbia, we have a line-up outside the Canadian borderline. So, people all the way from Newfoundland to Denver, and in between, show up here. If they don't make it in time, then they wait till the next day."
Thomas was struggling to contain his plethora of questions. Fortunately, Minho answered one of them. "What's beyond this. . . AFA place? Cities, farms, amusement parks--what?"

"Yes, a couple big cities. Actually, there is a small amusement park that would probably suit your fancy." Captain Orders replied. Minho just swatted the air as if the guard's words were useless, obviously wanting to cut straight to the chase. "Then when can we leave?"
"Not until after you're all checked out with a medical evaluation. You'll receive a couple of vaccines, have your vitals tested. Procedures like that."
"And after that?" Minho questioned, his patience running short.
"You leave through the City Entrance"--Captain Orders jabbed a thumb behind his shoulder, indicating some vague destination beyond the room-- "Just remember, once you leave AFA, you stay out for good."

Minho cocked his head, mocking a conciliatory gesture, "Wonderful. Fine by me."
Before the guard could reply, Thomas jumped in with a question he'd been brewing for several minutes now. "I heard one of you say my name." It came out sheepish at first, but he sat up straighter, clearing his throat as if to conjure up some confidence, any confidence. "You said it through the camera audio. Clear as day. Why?"
"You'll find out soon enough, kid." The lieutenant said, eyes diverting onto Brenda who was leaning forward in her chair, about to blurt out any second.
"We want our answers," she said, voice interrogating and firm. "Was this all planned out or something? Why were you so adamant about capturing us?"

Captain Orders sighed, as if Brenda's concern was as mere as what they were serving for lunch. "When you guys were wandering around back there, you set off a sensor at the Back Hatch. Us guards had strict protocol from one of AFA's head doctors to bring you here. We don't know much. Just be thankful you aren't in the infected world anymore. It's hell out there."
"Geez," Minho blew out an exasperated breath. "Maybe you guys could have told us this before we made a shucking show about WICKED. Was your plan to scare and humiliate us half to freaking death?"

The lieutenant rolled his eyes, "Just wait here. A nurse will be with you shortly."
Then he, and the four other guards, exited the dormitory with one swift slide of the automatic door. And Thomas and his friends were left alone, in a sea of incredulity and pure confusion. What just happened . . .

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