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Four days passed since Thomas accepted his apartment. When he eventually told his friends about it, they were ecstatic for him. Minho kept on about how his friend was just bluffing, that he'd have to see it to believe it. And tonight, he would.
After another meeting at AFA, where more doctors and scientists discussed--argued--over federal regulations and vaccine testings, Thomas followed everyone out of AFA through that inconspicuous passage back into the City. He rode in the luxurious black limousine Wells and Owens took together. They talked about the newly refurbished apartment of Thomas's. He could only imagine how glorious such a space would be; finally, set free from the dungeons of City Sanctuary.

The doctors spoke highly of the apartment complex, going on about its own gym and aquatics center and breathtaking views of the city. Though Thomas felt oddly melancholic, like he were unworthy. He was born with an extraordinary rarity, but he didn't earn it, he didn't work for it. He was just a lab rat--that's why WICKED desired him. That's why they fought so tirelessly for his cooperation. That's why AFA was fighting for him now: giving him gifts of unlimited gym access at an amazing, city view apartment. That's why he was sitting in between the two doctors, in a speciality limousine with leather seats and personalized climate control.

His friends, back at City Sanctuary, where they'd likely stay until they could finally afford an apartment, were born with an immunity to the Flare as well as Thomas, but they didn't reap his benefits. Sure, they didn't have his blood, but they still deserved greatness after all the journeys they persevered through. They would still sleep on stiff bunks and lumpy pillows.
"Well," Doctor Wells announced as the limo came to a smooth stop, "we're here."
Thomas blinked a couple times, letting himself float back down into reality before he stepped out of the limo. In front of him stood the vast apartment complex, towering like a golden beacon.
"Breathtaking isn't it, Thomas."

He just nodded slowly, feeling the weight of a keycard being placed into his hands, which he accepted, absentmindedly.
"Follow us, we'll lead you to the lobby."
Thomas did, marveling at the size of the grand complex. The way the orange sunset collided with the architecture. He felt like he was being bathed in rich golden hues.
Tall windows inside the lobby allowed the light to flow inside almost ethereally. All around Thomas, people of high rankings strode around the place. Everyone was wealthy. It was overwhelming. Many recognized Wells and Owens and smiled cordially, keeping curious eyes on Thomas.

Thomas followed the doctors to the elevator bank, then Owens motioned to his keycard. "Your apartment is Wing Seven, floor eleven, number ten."
"Okay." He nodded, trying his hardest to memorize anything she said, still baffled.
"Enjoy." Both doctors said in synch, then walked off to the left towards Wing Four's branch of elevators. How many wings were there? Thomas couldn't concentrate enough to count. He stood there for what felt like minutes, until a man brushed past him, dressed in a suit, asking if he was alright. Thomas nodded, snapping out of his daze. Finally, he stepped into an elevator, watching through the translucent glass wall as he soared upwards to his new home.

Thomas swiped his keycard at apartment number ten. The door glided open by itself. A female voice, robotic and twinged with a sophisticated French accent greeted: "Welcome home."
Thomas nearly felt the joints in his knee twist and give out as he stared, mouth agape, into his new apartment. He braced himself against the door frame, peering at the interior's beauty, at a loss for words.


Thomas invited his friends over with his own personal phone. He called the City Sanctuary, just as he had promised Minho, and Minho picked up, asking a million questions all at once. Thomas refused to answer any of them, telling his friend that he'd just have to come see it for himself. Minho didn't take no for an answer.

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