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Thomas and his friends pitched in to create all the weapons they could with the primitive supplies they obtained; wooden spears, knives, ropes. Frypan had collected heaps of berries, fried up enough bacon to last an entire week, and dried chicken into odd, jerky-like strips. The food supply was overabundant, and Thomas was thankful for it. He had no idea how long the trek would take, and he hoped no more than a few days. But nothing was guaranteed. He'd learned that time and time again.

By the time expedition day came around, summoned by the brilliant morning sunlight, Thomas was ready. All four of them were ready. Buzzing with an energy like electricity in his veins, Thomas separated from his friends after breakfast and went on his own private trek.
He went to the Cliff. It was really just a rocky hill that overlooked the shoreline, showcasing all that was spread out past the vastness of the sea's deep blue body. Thomas kicked his legs out as he sat there, soaking in the last precious moments of cool breeze and the melodious crashing of waves below him. A smile formed as a soft, oceanic gust of wind ruffled the ends of his hair. But that smile disappeared as quickly as it came; something like guilt ached inside his chest.

Leaving Paradise would mean leaving all the memories behind with it; like some kind of burial. The stone memorial that Thomas and many others carved the names of lost loved ones into--he'd never see that again. He'd never see Teresa's name, the one he carved. Newt's name, Minho had carved that. And now, they were abandoning it. The bittersweetness was palpable.
"Hey, come on."
Thomas knew it was Brenda. He didn't need to turn around. "We're actually doing this, aren't we?"

The gusts of wind had picked up considerably, whipping at their hair and clothes. Brenda nodded. She sat down beside Thomas, pulling her knees up to her chest. "Looks like we can't back down now. It'll be good."
"Yeah. Guess I'm just nervous about WICKED," Thomas huffed. "Last thing I want is this all turning out to be one big scam."
Brenda shook her head, punched his shoulder. "Maybe try not to think--it'd be best for us all."
"You're right," Thomas reached out and took her hand in his, ignoring the surprise on her face. "If only I could."

Thomas and Brenda left the Cliff after a few silent moments, listening absently as the waves crashed upon the shoreline. Minho was no doubt growing antsier by the millisecond, waiting for Thomas to meet at the Assembly he'd called together after briefing all two hundred teenagers and adults about the short-noticed expedition plan. It was about to begin.
Minho let out a loud, relieved exhalation at the sight of Thomas meeting him in the center of the throng. Thomas heard a few teenagers chant his name, but the shouts awkwardly died out once no one else joined in. Thomas internally cringed. He seriously hoped they all agreed with his plan. 

Minho's arms were folded, his eyes lowered. "Where have you been, shank?"
"I was just clearing my head." Thomas whispered, catching several curious eyes around him.
The anxiety was winning over. Minho just rolled his eyes, "You and your zen moments."
Before Thomas could respond, Minho stuck two fingers in his mouth and whistled. Thomas flinched. It sounded like the piercing cry of a banshee.
"Thanks for patiently waiting," Minho began, "this is Thomas's idea, so I think it'd be best if he speaks."

Thanks, Minho, Thomas thought. He scoped out the eyes before him, all two hundred inhabitants of Paradise, glaring at him. Either intentionally, or unintentionally, Thomas had no idea. He didn't want to know. But despite the raging fear, he spoke. "Look, this is something I've been thinking about for a while now. We need to do this. Trust me."
Everyone remained silent, so he continued on. "Doing this now is the best option. We need to do this. We will do this. You have to trust us--" Thomas gestured to Minho by his side, and Brenda and Aris behind him --"There's no reason why we shouldn't explore more of this land. If we find nothing, then we come back."

Suddenly, one person broke through the silence, then another and another, until uprisings pierced the air, slurring together in one noisy blend of shouts. Thomas forced his ears to comprehend it all, but he could only make out occasional comments.
"How could that possibly be a good idea?"
"What if WICKED comes back?"
"I wouldn't be going if I were you."
"Thomas got us out before, he can get us out again."

The last shout reassured Thomas, but the negativity still sliced at him. He was taken aback by all the doubt. So much that he forgot he was standing in the center of it all. He forgot how to speak. Fortunately Minho hadn't, "Listen up ladies and gents, I've seen what Thomas can do. He's gotten many others--including myself--out of many crappy situations. He's the one who got you all here. I suggest you have a little faith."
Murmurs replaced the hollering. Thomas felt that something had clicked in most of them; maybe they would find trust in him.

Brenda joined Thomas at his side. She cupped both hands around her mouth, chanting his name, rousing the crowd. Voices from the Assembly added in, gradually growing stronger. "Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas!"
An empowering boom of encouragement. Pride swelled inside Thomas, overriding the anxiety he felt so palpably only seconds ago.
"We can do this!" Minho roared, pumping a fist in the air. A few in the crowd whooped and hollered. Excitement and eagerness grew tremendously inside of Thomas. He hollered along with Brenda.

Someone slapped him on the shoulder from behind. Thomas swiveled around, relieved to see it was only Jorge, not an angry mobber. "Be careful out there, hermano."
"We will. Thanks, Jorge."
"And take care of Brenda." Jorge added, patting Thomas on the shoulder again. Thomas restrained from flinching; the man had an iron hand.
Frypan snuck out from the throng and joined Thomas, his smile hopeful. "Good luck. Enjoy your food, too."

"We'll try," Minho chimed in, forcibly bringing Frypan into a bearhug. "Thanks, shank."
People from all sides of the giant circle were making their way closer to Thomas and his friends, shaking hands, wishing their best for the group, high-fiving. And in that moment, Thomas knew there wasn't one thing holding him back. It was go time.  

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