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Minho flagged a taxi down and promptly told the driver the name of the restaurant--Terry's Bistro, as Thomas heard. Inside the cab, Aris, Brenda, May, and Thomas were cramped into the backseat, only made for two people, let alone four. Minho sat comfortably in the passenger seat; everyone knew he'd call shotgun. Thomas marveled at the life beyond the taxi that fell behind him in a blur as they drove through the several streets and business complexes.
"Thank God, I'm freaking starved," Minho said as he exited the cab; they had arrived at their destination. "Oh, yeah--here you go, dude." He said, digging out a couple dollars from his back pocket. Then he leaned into Thomas's ear, rolling his eyes,
"I always forget you have to tip everyone here."

Inside, the bistro was spacious and decorated in every nook and corner; nearly on the brink of what Thomas would define as garish. But the smell was wonderful. Something like bacon and maple and cinnamon permeated the entire place. Impossibly, Thomas was hungry yet again. A waiter passed out the menus, which were full of prices and details of food that stirred his appetite even further.
"Frypan said we'd get a friend discount. That shank better not have lied. This stuff is expensive."
Thomas eyed a souffle listed for eighteen dollars. "It's crazy how you forget about all the costs of life."

"Yeah," Minho snorted, "back at the Glade, Frypan cooked for free. Imagine if we had to pay that shank for beef and noodles." He took a sip of his soda, eyeing May. "You probably have no idea what we're talking about."
"Kind of. Thomas told me a short recap about his life before coming to Canada. I can't believe it."
Minho shrugged, brushing it off confidently. "Yeah, well. Nothing more to do about it."
"Well, I'm still sorry," May offered, taking her eyes off the menu. She looked around the table, her eyes finally landing on Thomas's. "This must be such a shock. It is for me."
"You're not from here?" Brenda asked. There was a genuine curiosity, but Thomas could hear the defense in her tone.

"No, Oregon actually."
"So, you were one of the lucky recipients for Thomas's vaccine, huh?" Minho asked, shaking his head in disbelief. "And it worked. Our shuck-faced Thomas is really gonna save the world."
May smiled. Her eyes met Thomas, and something glimmering shone in them.
"What a world," Minho sighed, focusing his attention on Thomas. "Thanks here for trusting Tom. He appreciates it. I can tell."
Thomas quickly looked away from May, eyeing Minho with as much 'knock-it-off' as he could muster. "I'm just glad I can help."

"Psh, just admit it to us right here, right now--are you two . . . ya know?" Minho asked. Thomas wanted to sink into his chair. After he punched Minho. The entire table focused on him. May looked down at her closed menu, face pink.
"We're friends, Minho."
He just rolled his eyes, not quite buying it, but smart enough to end the conversation. For now. "Alright, alright. Where's our waiter?"

Brenda eventually flagged down the waiter. They read out their orders one by one, and at the end of it, sat looking around the table. Everyone feeling the awkward elephant in the room that was May. The newcomer. The Newbie, Thomas thought. He forced himself to make conversation. "So, uh, any of you got a job yet?"
"Why--you don't?" Minho asked, chewing on an ice cube. Thomas almost wanted to actually slug his friend. Just once.
"Uh, I just got here."
"So? I'm starting mine tomorrow over at the City Enforcement Center. Brenda and Frypan got a job on the first day."
Brenda nodded, laying both elbows on the table. "Security. I start tomorrow."

"That's great, Brenda. Really, I'm glad. I just . . . I haven't thought of getting a job yet." Thomas replied. It was truthful; he hadn't considered a job. The idea of paying for food--for nearly everything in life now, it was a shocking revelation. Just months ago he was fighting for his life, against Grievers and Cranks and guns; now, he had to look for a job. The simplicity was bewildering.
"I'm over in construction," Aris added, shrugging, "I started yesterday. It pays well."
"The best part," Minho said in between slurps of his soda, "is that job positions are in high demand. They don't even interview ya. If they like you, you're hired. Just like that." He snapped his fingers for effect.

Thomas was about to respond when Minho came right back in, cutting him off with a newfound revelation. "Why don't we get you a job today, shank?"
"Oh, I--"
"You'll thank me for it."
Thomas sat in silence while Minho jabbered on to the rest of the table about how exciting it was to start his training as a guard for the city's border patrol, all the while Thomas contemplated the shock of normalcy. Working forever. He knew it was a million times better than being stalked by WICKED all his life, but either way, there seemed no end to life's burden. The final destination was identical. Life was a never-ending challenge.

The wonderful wafting aroma of breakfast came funneling his way, only to wake him from his contemplations when his plate sat right in front of him, the hot omelette steaming at his face, as if trying to draw him back into reality. It worked. Everyone went silent, eating away at the delectable food. Until May leaned into him, her waffles half gone.
"So, are you going with Minho?"
"I guess so." It was an honest reply. He wasn't in the mood, but he was willing to try--for Minho.
May sipped her latte, eyeing Thomas closely. "You don't seem too excited."
Thomas shrugged. He forked a piece of egg into his mouth. "I'll give it a go. Maybe I'll find something. Wanna come?"
May shook her head. "I still want to adjust to this new life first. It's . . . hard for me."

Thomas understood May like no other. He needed time too--eons, if he could be granted it.
They all finished eating, sitting contently around the table. Aris went to the restroom. Brenda ordered another coffee. Thomas pondered. Minho sighed with relief when he saw Frypan had paid the bill. Soon after, they left the bistro, everyone going their own separate ways. And Minho and Thomas had their own adventure to find something, anything that could guarantee Thomas a normal life--whatever that meant.

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