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May took a sip from her cup, and Thomas was thankful she had been looking at the other tables around them because he couldn't pull his eyes away from her. It was as if she were magnetized, pulling him in without his consent. And he realized he had to cut it out, before it became--
"Thomas . . .," She said, on the brink of a laugh, furrowing her eyebrows all the same.
May's words smacked Thomas from out of his stupor. He shook his head, feeling his face begin to radiate his palpable embarrassment. He had never felt so strange. "Sorry, what did you say?"

"Before you went catatonic?" She chuckled this time, which was a pleasant sound. "I just asked if you were feeling okay. You looked out of it."
"Oh--no, I'm fine." Thomas cleared his throat, willing his cheeks to refrain for reddening, which the acknowledgment only made worse. "I, uh, I'm really sorry about your parents."
He watched as her hazel eyes dipped down to her lap, but she shook her head. A gesture that told him she hadn't mended. Another urge to grab her hand intensified inside. "Thank you. I miss them, but I know everyone has lost someone these days, huh? I guess in a way that helps to numb the hurt."

Thomas nodded, surprised at the openness he felt. "I lost several friends . . . I haven't even seen my parents since I was five--or four--I can't remember."
May sat up straighter, her eyes grew wider, more curious. "Really? That's terrible . . . How did--well never mind, you don't have to--"
"No," Thomas insisted, "it's fine. You told me your story, I should tell you mine." He drew in a deep breath, watching as May's eyes studied him, perusing him in a way that made him self-conscious. But he pushed those ridiculous feelings down, told himself he was being dramatic, and started on the long story that was his life.

Thomas let May know all of it; being taken by WICKED as a child, working for WICKED against his will, creating the Maze he was later sent into, having his memory erased, fighting Grievers and Cranks, the Scorch--every moment from then until he and his friends had found AFA and how the doctors put out a bounty for Thomas in the first place.
"I would've gone with my friends but, well, I had to know what the vaccination results were first," Thomas blew out a long breath, slapping both hands on the table. "Well, that's my story. Sorry for the unexpected twists and turns. WICKED loves their games. Loved their games. AFA swears they're gone for good now. Truth is, I don't know if I can believe that. I guess I have to.

May shook her head, slowly. Thomas imagined her apprehending every bit of his long-winded story. Either extremely bored or extremely confused. He hoped more confused than bored, but surprisingly her face showed neither. It was more incredulity. "Wow . . . I can't believe that. Thomas, I'm so sorry, that's just . . . well, it's just--"
"Awful?" Thomas answered. He laughed and it had never felt so rueful.
May nodded, her hazel eyes wide with dismay, "I'm so sorry."
She reached out then and grasped his hand. Her skin was smooth and warm, and impossibly endearing. He peered into her eyes, noticing for a split second how the green inside her irises coincided so well with the brown. Almost like a tree and its leaves.

And then May retracted her hand, and Thomas looked away at the spot where their skin had once coexisted. Suddenly, something inside him opened his mouth and spoke, deliberately, as if his consciousness was in control. "Would you like to come with me when I leave AFA?"
"Yes. I actually planned to leave soon, anyway--I've already been cleared."
Thomas pulled back, "Really? You want to come with me?"
"Yeah," May nodded, eyes alight. "I can't wait to see what's beyond AFA any more than you can."

He nodded, feeling his spirits rise. "My friends are staying at this hostel place called--" Thomas snapped his fingers, conjuring the hostel's name from his memory bank-- "the City Sanctuary. Maybe we can stay there too. It's completely free."
"Free? Wow, that's great. Sure, anywhere is fine for me."
"What do you think it's like in the city? Have you heard any stories?" Thomas asked, excitement beginning to run wild inside.
She shrugged, but inside he knew she was buzzing with thoughts. "There's probably heaps of restaurants, and skyscrapers--maybe even movie theaters."

"Don't forget the amusement parks." Thomas added.
May's face lit up in question. "There's an amusement park?"
Thomas laughed, "Why wouldn't there be?"
"Guess we'll just have to find out." She said, pushing her coffee cup away. Thomas watched as she stared at her hands, probably mulling over some kind of thought. Then she sat up straighter and turned to him, exhaling. "Thomas, what do you think about leaving . . . today?"

"To--today?" Thomas stuttered, taken aback. But inside, he'd been wanting more than ever for days now to leave AFA. May's idea was something he'd been wanting to hear.
"Never mind--"
"No, no I want to go today. Today's great."
May chuckled, eyes big. "You're sure?"
Thomas nodded, feeling completely assured. Today was the day. "Sure I am. We deserve that, to see what's beyond this place."
"We do." May smiled, revealing a barely-noticeable dimple on her right cheek. "Then let's see what freedom looks like."

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