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The sun rose early the next morning, painting the sky with a rosy tint that looked as if it encased the entire globe. For the first time in what seemed eons, Thomas finally had a good dream. A beatific dream. One where the Flare was extinct--it never even existed. A world without fear. He saw himself at an actual school, learning, memorizing, taking tests, hanging out with friends during lunch time. Experiencing what he never had experienced, and never would now. Living a normal, blissful life: waking up to his healthy, living parents, everyday. Then boom, it was over. Indefinitely gone. Forever. Harsh reality came crashing in so powerfully it hurt. The joy that overtook him was gone within the snap of a finger. And he was back on the sofa, shielding his eyes from the sunlight.

"Rise n' shine, shanks." That came from Minho. He had pulled apart the curtains, allowing in the brilliant morning light.
Thomas groaned, squinting as rays of sunlight danced in his vision. "Close the drapes, man. Let us sleep."
"It's seven-thirty, slow-poke. I've been up for two hours." Minho replied from the balcony.
"Congratulations, you want an award or something?" Brenda retorted. Thomas imagined how comfortable she was in that bed, and he suddenly something like envy.

"Hey, opening the drapes wasn't the worst thing. If you guys hadn't woken up within five more minutes I was about to blast the TV volume."
"Well," Brenda said, yawning, "have fun with Aris. He's knocked out."
Thomas turned to look at the boy on the floor, laying straight on his stomach, looking like he had gone into full hibernation mode. Minho walked back inside from the balcony. At the sight of Aris he raised an eyebrow, and Thomas knew that look; his friend was up to something.
"Oh great, what's the prankster gonna do now?" Brenda asked, throwing in as much sarcasm as possible.

"Something that'll scare the crap out of Aris." Thomas replied, instinctively knowing Minho's intentions.
"You got that right." Minho said, repressing a grin as he creeped over to the kitchenette. Thomas heard water flow from the facet and only imagined what prank Minho was going to play. When he returned around the corner with a glass full of water in hand, Thomas groaned.
"The other Gladers are coming at eight." Minho said, tiptoeing closer to Aris who was still just as  fast asleep as ever. "I don't think he'd want to miss seeing his girly-girlfriend Sonya."

Minho pressed a finger to his lips, now standing directly above Aris's head, holding the glass of water tauntingly, his mischievous grin widening. "Okay. One, two, three."
Splash. Aris was jolted awake, hollering from the water that drenched him, letting a few swear words escape. He stood up, soaking wet and full of dumbfounded shock. "What the hell was that about, huh?" With one quick strike, Aris snatched the glass from Minho's grip, and splashed the remaining water on him.
"You freaking slinthead!" Minho cried out, his entire chest soaked. "Chill out, dude."
"Maybe you shouldn't have done that then," Aris still heaved with anger. "Geez, I--"

A series of raps erupted from the door, capturing everyone's attention. Thomas pushed himself up from the sofa, curious. "Who's that?"
Minho just rolled his eyes, then pushed Aris out of his way. "You deal with it--I have to dry myself off."
"Oh yeah, how do you think I feel?" Aris said, running a hand through his damp hair. He followed after Minho, and Thomas went for the door, too uninterested to hear them bicker any longer.
He swung the door open, expecting someone to be there on the other side, but there was no one, not even in the hallway.

Before Thomas closed the door, his eyes latched onto something in front of his feet. Two medium sized black bags. One was more stuffed than the other. He picked them up, curiosity captured.
"What is it?" Brenda asked from behind him, half startling him; he thought she was still in bed.
"Some person just dropped off some stuff for us," Thomas replied, feeling around inside one of the bags. He came to a sudden realization. "It's clothes. The daily outfit that Doctor Wells said would be delivered."

Thomas's fingers fished around inside one of the bags, the less-filled one. His hand latched onto something soft and cottony. As he pulled it out, he quickly realized they were briefs--girls briefs. Brenda grabbed the bag from Thomas's grip before he could try to explain himself. "Must be mine."
"Oh--sorry! I didn't know . . .," He said, feeling his cheeks sear as he watched Brenda walk away. Minho just hollered with laughter.

Thomas later discovered--in the boy's bag--as he dressed, that everyone had the same identical gray shirt and blue denim jeans. There were also toiletries at the bottom of the sack--deodorant, shaving cream, and razors. He was more than thankful for that.
"We all ready?" Thomas heard Minho ask from outside the bathroom. Thomas combed out his hair, adjusted his shirt collar, and stepped out from the bathroom.
He nodded, "Let's go see our friends."

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