Chapter 11: ARC 1 - The Lost Princess

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A little butterfly flapping its wings can cause a typhoon. The smallest things a person does may lead to a greater consequence later on without them realizing it until it was too late.

Umi felt that the phrases above are indeed proven to be true, and Reyr might be one of the examples.

Reyr, whom Umi could have never expected, turns out to be one of the reasons for the sudden changes in the original storyline. Around two years ago, when he was on a mission, he attempted to explore the abandoned Tower of Magic, only to discover the two people locked on the uppermost floor. From that day on, the young Rosalyn has been cooperating with the rebels and even bravely went out a couple of times while making sure to leave a substitute or a disguise for her there. Umi found out all about this just because of a simple dinner with the Male Lead.

Does destiny works that way? Even if the story has changed a little, coincidence or not, the two main characters were even given the opportunity to have found their way to each other much earlier than the original, linking them together much closer this time. Is that what they call fate?

Umi felt a headache coming as she recalled how the Goddess of Love had played her. But aside from that dreadful reminder, with a total of 33% of Emotional Points and discovering a piece of crucial information that night, Umi felt satisfied overall. Although the Male Lead was unusually strange after that dinner.

Umi had always thought that he trains in a private room, but how come he's spending more time on the public training grounds with the others? Umi assumed he was busy, but how come he still has the time to join them for dinner every time?

This Male Lead is very strange. Umi might have even doubted that his character did have some changes without her interference. Because if not, why is he calling for her for a stroll around the garden?!

"It has been a month, how do you find your training so far?" the man asked while following behind the girl in front of him.

Umi paused to look back and replied, "I might have improved better if the esteemed lord didn't call for me in the middle of training." Staring at the man before her, she continued, "I sincerely believe that time is essential for improvement, my lord."

The man chuckled. His voice was deep and very much pleasing to the ears. "Time is indeed essential but so is rest."

"If you have wanted to let me rest, my lord, do you suggest that I should go back to my chambers and sleep?" Umi stopped walking and faced the man, her head raised to look into the other's golden eyes more clearly.

The sun was blazing brightly above but the trees in the garden have blocked most of the violent rays, making both of them warm under the indirect sun yet at the same time cool under the shade provided by the trees.

It was a perfect weather for a stroll but Umi was not feeling it.

"There is a proper time for sleeping and another time for anything else," Zevlin replied, and then after a long while he sighed deeply. "You haven't received any of my gifts in return for saving one of my generals."

Umi also sighed. "I don't need any fancy clothes, my lord. You give me more credit than I deserved."

"No one else deserves the credit more than you. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have Reyr on my side right now."

Umi fought the urge to slap her face right now. She felt that this man was being overdramatic. She didn't even do much! It's not like she was the one to personally fight those bandits, she just gave some warning!

It has been a month since this man started to give her some fancy clothing, while Umi found it accepting at the first week, she then started to get exasperated in the following weeks, so much so that she had to return the clothes herself to Zevlin's study.

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