Come on, Dad

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This week has gone by so slow, it was unbelievable. I am just so excited to be able to give more children the chance to live a happy and healthy life. Carlos and Carla were going to have some father-daughter time before we left to pick up the kids.

So I had practically the morning to myself. Knowing myself, I can not spend too much time alone. So I decided to check up on Mal. I walk into the castle and a guard immediately told me Mal was on the balcony looking over the sea. I said my thanks and walked across the castle to Mal.

She was standing at the railing looking over the waters with a binoculars. " So, how's the seas looking?" I ask leaning against the doorway. She turns and smiles at my presence. I then jog up to her giving her a tight hug. " Hi Mal, how are you?"

" I'm doing good, you?" She asked.

" Better than usual. Finally got a full night of sleep, first night in days that Carla has slept through the night." I say leaning on the railing look over the water. " Any sight of Uma?"

" Nope, not a tentacle in sight." She says looking through the binoculars on last time before turning to me. " So, are we not going to talk about baby number 2 or no?"

I chuckled a bit. " How about babies 2 and 3?" I ask, she turned to me shocked.

" Really?" She asked shocked, I nod happily. She hugs me even tighter than she did before. " Does Carlos know yet?"

" Nope, I've been trying to find a way to tell him." I say. I've been trying to find a way to tell him for the past week. I don't want it to be too cheesy or too bland. I then pull out a sonogram of the twins. It wasn't much but it was something, I handed it to Mal. " I got a sonogram. I learned to do it while I was pregnant with Carla."

" Wow, this is going to be a lot." Mal says looking at the photo of the twins.

" Yeah, I hope we can handle it." I say taking the photo and putting it back in my pocket.

" I know you two can, but if it ever gets too much Ben and I could always take them for a few hours." Mal said rubbing my back.

" Thanks, that would be extremely helpful." I say, then out of the corner of my eye I see Ben start to sneak up behind Mal. He ran up and hugged her from behind. Mal yelped from shock.

" Not a tentacle in sight." Mal said looking out to sea. I sigh, when will she pop back up?

" I think if Uma was up to something, we'd know by now." Ben says.

" No, Ben, I know how villains think. And I don't trust Uma, as far as I can throw her." Mal said.

" She's gonna wait until our defenses are down and then, that's when she's gonna strike." I say, Mal nodded agreeing with me.

" I really wish I had time to go do the dragon flyover because I can go so much higher." Mal complained, Ben then took the binoculars out of her hands and to me.

" Well, you can't be everywhere at once. Besides, I've got your back." We all then looked up to the guards on an upper level of the castle. " Now, come on, everyone's waiting for us." Ben said starting to guide Mal back to the school.

" Wait. But you're getting more guards?" Mal asked, okay now she is over paranoid.

" I'm getting more guards, now breathe." Ben says making her relax. We then start to walk back to the prep but I stop for a second.

" Ben do you happen to have an envelope?" I ask.

" I think so..." He then reached into his blazer and pulled out a perfect square envelope. " Yes, I do."

Baby De Vil - Carlos De VilWhere stories live. Discover now