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Thana POV

I woke up to the sound of Carla crying. I lift my head from the pillow and check the clock. 6:25, I groan sitting up and holding the blanket to my chest. Carla's crying was starting to give me a headache. I pick the shirt up off the floor and put it on. " Okay, okay, I'm coming." I say. I pick her up and hold her close.

I make a bottle and sit on the couch. I feed her the bottle and she immediately stops crying. She looks at me with her big brown eyes. I gently rub up and down her arm to help her fall asleep. I look over to see Carlos asleep with the blanket just covering above his waist and a leg hanging off the bed. His mouth was hanging open and he was snoring, I chuckled at the sight.

I start talking to Carla because what else am I going todo? " You know, Carla, I wasn't sure you were gonna get to meet your father. I know he said he would come back for me. But really he had no control over if I come or not. I'm so happy you get to grow up with him." I say, I look at her and see she had finished her bottle, and was asleep. I take the bottle from her and place it on the table.

I turn and lay on the couch resting my head on the arm rest. I take a deep breath and close my eyes falling back asleep.

Carlos POV

I wake up to my annoying alarm. I turn it off and reach to the other side of my bed to grab Thana. But when my hand came him contact with the mattress, I open my eyes to see Thana wasn't there. I quickly sit up looking around the room for her.

I see feet hanging over the arm rest of the couch. My phone then dings, I check it to see it was Mal telling us to meet in the gardens in 2 hours. I text her back an okay, then putting my phone back on the night stand. I get up and put a pair of shorts on, then walk over to the couch.

Thana was past out on the couch with Carla laying on her chest. I smile at both of my girls, I kneel down a push hair out of her face. " Thana, Thana... Wake up." I whisper to her.

" No, five more minutes." She groans turning her head. I chuckle a bit and nudge her.

" Come on, Mal wants us to meet her in the gardens in 2 hours." I say.

" Okay and..." she say trailing off.

" I know if I don't wake you up now, you're gonna complain about not having enough time to get ready." I say. She then opens her eyes and stretches, and then sits up.

" I hate it when you're right." She says. I chuckle at her defeat.

" I'll take Carla while you get ready." I pick up Carla and hold her to my chest. Thana then stands up and start to walk away. I grab her wrist and pull her back. " You aren't getting away that easily." I then kiss her passionately.

When we break, we had goofy smiles on our faces. " Now you can go." She giggles and walks into the bathroom. I sit where she was laying. Carla move a bit and then lifted her head up looking at me. " Good morning, Princess." I say giving her a kiss on his nose. She giggles then fell back on to my chest. I smile hearing her laugh, it is the most precious sound in the world.

20 minutes later Thana came out of the bathroom, she looked as beautiful as ever. She had done her make up beautifully, not like she needed it. But she was amazing at it, it was an art for her. " You look beautiful." I say. She giggles and turns to me.

" You say that every time you see me." She says.

" And I mean it every time." I smile to her. She walks over and kisses me.

" Now you go change." She says taking Carla away from me. I stand up and walking into the bathroom.

Thana POV

Carlos had finished a lot quicker than I was, he was in and out in less than 20 minutes. We were now rushing around gathering things for Carla. " Change of clothes?" I ask.

" Check!" Carlos says throwing in 2 changes of clothes in a bag.

" Diapers?"

" Check!"

" Extra bottles?"

" Check!"

" Great! I think we have everything." I say placing a sleeping Carla in her carrier. I buckle her in and pick up the packed bag, but Carlos took it from me. " Wha-?"

" You are already carrying Carla, I can handle the bag." Carlos says holding the bag out of my reach.

" Fine." I say, he chuckles and gives me a peck on my lips. " Let's go, we'll be late."

" Fine." He says mocking me and taking my hand and pulling me out the door. Together we walk down to the gardens. When we got there, there was no one?

We looked at each other confused. " Surprise!" Everyone we knew yelled jumping out from behind buses and statues. They made me jump a bit, then magically there was a bunch party supplies.

" What?" I say exasperated.

" This is your guy's engagement party!" Mal said hugging me and Carlos, Evie copying her actions. Jay then came up behind us throwing his arms over our shoulders.

" So... how was last night?" He said in a sing-song voice. Carlos and I both hit him in the stomach knocking the wind out of him. " I'll take that as it went good." I smack him in the stomach again, everyone there laughed. I assumed the people I didn't know were Carlos' friends.

~ Time Skip ~

The party was so much fun, I've made so many new friends and I haven't even been there a whole day. But it was sadly coming to an end. Most of the guests have left it was only Ben, Mal, Evie, and Jay. We were all sitting around a table having a grand time before the day came to an end. " Oh wait!" Mal said, she walked over to a table and reached under grabbing a small rectangular box and handed it to me and Carlos.

She then sat back down next to Ben, whom threw his arm over her shoulder. " This is a gift from all of us. Think of it as an engagement/ welcome to Auradon gift." Ben said.

Carlos then started to open it, since I couldn't since my arms were full with Carla in them. Carlos took off the top and there was a key and a folded piece of paper. When Carlos unfolded the paper there was an address on that. We then smiled to each other and back to the group. " Guys? Really?" I ask.

" Yeah, we decided you guys needed a place." Mal said

" And this one is perfect for your likely growing family." Evie adds.

" And besides, I don't want to wake up at night to Carla's crying." Jay said, I laughed throwing a piece of food at him.

" You guy's are too nice," I say tearing up a bit and leaning are Carlos' shoulder.

" Anything for our best friends." Evie said placing a hand on my shoulder. They all then came around Carlos and I and hugged us. " Now both of you go, pack your things. We'll come by and help after we are done cleaning."

Mal then snapped her fingers and the mess of the party was gone. We all laughed and they more like, kept us company rather than clean. Mal, Evie, and Ben helped keep Carla occupied. Jay was just bothering us about what he NEEDS to clean after last night.

After packing, a limo picked us up and brought us to our new place. It was a 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom. It was a bit much for us now but something tells me we are going to need the space.

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