Fairy Cottage

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Thana POV

We walked through the forest following Ben to Fairy Cottage. By the time we got there it was night, and Carla was fast asleep in Carlos' arms. We all hid and Ben put a finger over his mouth signaling for us to be quiet. Mal and Ben were the first to enter through the gate, we all followed closely behind. When we reach the door, Ben gave us one look then hastily opened the door.

When walking into the cottage there was no sign of Audrey. Jay quickly ran upstairs as we all looked around trying to see if she was hiding some where. " She's not upstairs." Jay reported.

There was a loud banging coming from the pantry door. We all started to walk forward to try and see what it was, but Mal put her arm in front of us. Ben looked through the window and had a shocked look on his face. He quickly lifted the plank of wood that was holding the door shut.

When he opened the door there was Chad, he was against the wall with his knees, and shaking. " Chad?" Ben asked concerned.

" I want my mommy." Chad said with a shaky voice. Ben tried to help him up but he immediately flinched away.

" It's okay." Ben said carefully lifting him off the floor, helping him stand up. " What happened, buddy?"

He looked around the cottage and at all of us, which were giving him confused and concerned looks. He perked up see there was no Audrey, he then looked back to Ben. " Ben. Ben!" He exclaim gripping on to his jacket. " Your face," he said weirdly petting Ben's beard. He then looked back to us, " She's gone? Huh? The doors is open. I'm free. Freedom!"

Chad then let go of Ben and ran out the door as fast as his feet could take him. Harry laughed at him and shut the pantry door. " Welp, she's not here." I say, we all left the cottage seeing there was no way of finding Audrey in there.

" Ooh. All right. Lets get this Audrey chick taken care of already." Her and Mal laugh together. " What do you say, girls? Time to wrap things up?"

" You know, someday, you're gonna have to tell me how you guys all got teamed up." Ben said throwing his arm over Mal's shoulder.

" Actually, Mal promised to let all the kids off the Isle once this is over." Evie said happily. Mal then stopped in her tracks.

" Mal?" Ben questioned confused.

" I have to tell you guys something." Mal said making us all stop. " Um... I lied to you." We all looked at her confused. " The kids won't be coming off the Isle."

" What do you mean?" I ask muddled.

" The program is shut down. And the barrier...will be closed for good." She confessed sadly.

" For Auradon's safety." Ben added. My heart completely shattered.

" Hold up." Uma said walking up to Mal. " So we're saving your precious people and your behinds for a lie... I knew it was a mistake to trust you. You're always out for yourself." Uma said to her sadly.

" And you, King Benny" Harry said pointing to Ben and walking closer to him. "You're probably just gonna throw us all back inside." His voiced weakened.

Celia then stepped up to Mal, " You know what? I actually thought you were brave. You're nothing but a chicken. too scared to tell I was never gonna see dad again."

" Celia..." Mal said sadly. Celia then ripped the ember out of her hand and threw it on the bird bathe. We all flinched back as sparks came from the bird bath. " No! no." Mal grabbed the ember out of the water. " Regain your might and ignite!" She chanted trying to get it to get it's power back, but nothing happened.

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