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After over a week in the hospital we were finally able to bring the twins home. In the hospital, when Carla met her brothers, it was adorable. She is so gentle around them and she's absolutely fascinated with them. When she awake all she wants to do is be around them.

On the way home she sat between them in the back, and was talking to them, in her own way. They were basically asleep the whole time but that didn't matter to Carla. She still went on and on, showing them the picture books she hand in the back of car.

We made it home and even though we weren't gone for that long, I missed it. I placed the twins, in their carriers, on the table. And Carlos brought Carla up to her room for a nap, she was already started to fall asleep in the car. " Welp, this is home boys and I hope you enjoy your stay." I say gently rubbing their cheeks.

6 years later....

Carla's 7 and the boys are 6. It's unbelievable how fast our time goes by. Which is why I make the most of every moment I have. But right now, we were all sitting in the twins room and Carlos and I were building the bunk bed they have been asking for, for awhile.

" Mommy?" Thomas asked standing at the door.

" Yes, sweetheart?" I ask tightening the bolt.

" Are you and Daddy almost done?" Cameron asks.

" Almost finished, gentlemen, we just a few more bolt and to place your mattresses in and we'll be done." Carlos said.

" Yes!" They cheered high fiving each other. I then got a text from Jay saying he's here.

" Uncle Jay's here, why don't you two let him in?" I suggest.

" Alright." Thomas said disappointed, Cameron immediately took notice of Thomas' mood.

" T, last one to the door is a rotten apple!" He said. Thomas was faster then Cameron, and Cameron knew that, but Thomas likes a competition and winning.

" You're on." Thomas said with smirk. They got in their running positions.

" 3...2...1...go!" They say then running down the stair to the door. As they bolted down the stairs they both left behind a trail of flames. I chuckle and grab the fire extinguisher putting out the flames.

" At least, they mostly have control." Carlos sighs.

" Yeah, but let's finish this before they are on our asses to finish it." I say sitting back down. Carlos laughed and agreed with me.


After Carla and the boys had their fun with Jay, and we all had dinner together. It was time for bed, and let me say they were exhausted. The boys were fighting sleep while they watched their movie, and Carla was passed out across mine and Carlos' laps. " I got the boys, do you wanna take Carla?" I whisper to Carlos.

" Sure, my love." He said giving me a peck. He carefully moves from beneath Carla's legs and picked her up, and he took her up stairs to her bed room. I get up and kneel in front of the boys.

" Alright, boys, it's time for bed." I whisper to them.

" But I don't wanna go to bed." They say together.

" Okay... well, if you don't wanna go to bed, who will sleep in the bunk bed, daddy and I put together today? Hm?"  I ask raising an eyebrow.

They gave each other a look. " Alright, time for bed." They yawn.

" That's more like it." I smile. I carry them both, each on one hip, up the stair and into their room. I set them down and they go to their beds. Cameron was on the top bunk and Thomas was on the bottom bunk.

As soon as they both laid down they were practically asleep. I gave them both a kiss on the head, switched rooms with Carlos and gave Carla a kiss on the head.

Leaving the room, I gently close the door. When I turn Carlos was closing the boys door. " Ready to catch up on the shows the kids won't let us watch?" I ask him.

" Of course! What else would we do while the kids are asleep?" Carlos asked jokingly. I laughed and pulled him back downstairs and onto the couch. He then turn on one of episodes that had been recorded this week.

After a few minutes, I look to my side seeing a family photo of us at the beach. I pick it up making it easier for me to see. " We're doing good, aren't we?" I ask gently running my hands over the picture.

" I say we're doing great." Carlos said smiling down to me. I look up and give him a peck, then placing the frame back on the table.

" Yeah. We got are happily ever after, didn't we?" I ask leaning onto his chest.

" Yes. Yes, we did." Carlos smiled kissing me on the head.

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