Wedding Pt.1

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Carlos' Morning

I wake up to the blaring alarm and quickly shut it off. I tried to get the most sleep I could, but I am just so excited to finally marry Thana, my best friend and love of my life. I've been dreaming of this day ever since we started dating.

Thana wasn't in bed with me since she left yesterday to spend the night with Mal, so we don't see each other. But I did notice a note on her side of the bed, that definitely wasn't there when I fell asleep. I smiled and pick it up.

So excited to marry you! You are my best friend, love of my life, and my other half. You mean the world to me. Can't wait to see how handsome you look!
~ Thana

I smiled and put the note on my night stand. Then a small flash came from behind me. I look to see another note.

Also thank you for keeping Carla with you, so I could get ready quicker.
~ Thana

I smiled, again, and place that note on top of the other. Dude then comes in the running into the room and jumps on the bed, sitting next to me. " Carlos! You're getting married!" Dude said excitedly.

" I know, buddy." I chuckle with a wide smile on my face. I then hear Carla wake up through the monitor on Thana's night stand. " And I should go handle that."

" Please, I cherish my hearing." Dude said. I laugh and shake my head at him, then get up and walk to Carla's room. I walk into the room and turn on the light. Carla was sitting up in her crib with adorable bed head.

" Good morning, princess." I say picking her up and holding her on my chest. She did a precious squeak and lifted her body up to look at me. " You want some breakfast?"

She made a 'neh' sound and smiled. " I'll take that as a yes."

We then walked down to the kitchen and had a nice breakfast together. When she was done we took a shower and changed into comfy clothes.

I was gonna get ready with my groomsmen and mom was gonna pick up Carla from me and the boys. Carla and I sat in the living room watching TV wait for Jay to come and pick us up.

We watched tv for a good hour minutes before we heard a knock at the door. Carla's attention was brought to the door. I pick her up and go and open the door, and there stood Jay on the other side. " You ready, man?" Jay asked.

" As I'll ever be." I say.

" Let's get to the venue, Ben and Doug will meet us there." Jay said patting my shoulder. I grab the my suit and a bag of extra things for Carla. Jay takes Carla and puts her in the back seat, while I put the suit and bag know the trunk.

I sit in the back with Carla so I could keep her occupied during the drive, and Dude sat in front with Jay. Shortly after leaving, we make it to the venue and go into the bachelor suite. I sat on the couch keeping Carla occupied, while Jay checked out the room.

Ben and Doug then came in, holding their tuxes over their shoulders. " What's up, man? How are you feeling?" Ben asked as I gave him and Doug 'bro' hugs.

" I'm great, nervous, but great." I say chuckling a bit.

" There's no need to be nervous, man, it's gonna be perfect." Doug said patting my shoulder. " We hitched a ride with the girls." He added.

" Really? How are they? How is Thana?" I ask.

" They're great, Thana's great. She's really excited." Ben said.

" That's good to hear." I say smiling to myself. We just hung around the suite a for a few hours, playing with Carla, and got ready in our suits.

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