Night Falls

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Thana POV

We made it back Auradon and we were all on our phones trying to get an answer from some one. Everyone was under Audrey's sleeping spell.

" I can't get Ben." Mal says.

" Or Dizzy or Doug." Evie added.

" I can't get a hold either of Jane. The signal's out." I say.

" Is that Auradon Prep?" Celia asks pointing to the rather large school.

" Yeah. When everybody wakes up, you're going to love it." Carlos says, I smile but then a headache starts to form and I get dizzy. Carlos noticed and grabbed my hands. " Hey, you okay?"

" Yeah, it's just an early pregnancy symptom. It'll wear off in a minute." I say him. I then sit on the ground and rub my temples try to reduce it.

" Is she doing okay?" Uma asked pointing to me, also drawing everyone's attention to me. The dizziness then started to go away and stood up off the ground.

" Yeah, I'm fine." I say then dusting myself off. Everyone then went on with what they were doing.

Hook the walked over to a sleeping guys and took his wallet out of his front shirt pocket. " I believe I deserve some compensation for my muscles, my wile, and my role in this endeavor."

Jay stomped over to him and took the money from his hands. " You do. Me not squashing you like a bug."

Harry just laughed and threw the guy's wallet at Jay to put back in the guy's pocket. Harry then sharply turned to Jay holding his hook to his neck. " You think I'm afraid of you, Jay?"

" Guys." Mal, Uma, and I say getting both of their attention.

"Mmmm, delicious." Dude says eating some food out of some guy's hand.

" Dude!" Carlos and I say happily. Dude then burped right in front of us.

" Dude, really?" Carlos said.

" What? It wasn't me, I swear. Okay, it was me." Dude said. I then kneeled down to his level.

" Hey, do you know what happened here?" I ask.

" Yup, Audrey showed up. She put everybody to sleep. And then she turn some of them to..."

" Guys." Evie says interrupting Dude. " Hannah turned to stone."

We all walked closer to get a better look. " All right. Everybody stay on their toes." Jay said over everybody.

" Look, since we're here let's check the school." Uma suggest.

" No." Mal said firmly. " Audrey went straight for the crown, so, I think it's safe to assume that's she's gonna go for Ben and his castle next. That's where we'll go."

" Says who?" Uma said stepping towards Mal.

" Says me." Mal said stepping up as well.

" Says you. And is that supposed to me something to me?" Uma said stepping closer to Mal.

" Guys." I groan annoyed. The look to me then back to each other.

" To the castle." Mal said then walked away in the direction of the castle. Carlos and I looked to each other and sighed annoyed. He then interlaced our fingers and we followed everyone.

We entered the castle and it was just...empty. It was weird, there is usually people in every hallway doing some but there was nothing. " Ben!" Mal called out.

" Ha ha! This way!" Dude said turning down a hall.

" Ben could be asleep anywhere." Mal says.

" Or turned to stone." Celia adds, Evie quickly covered her mouth before she continued. Mal then tried calling out for Ben again.

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